Frequently Asked Questions
HRSA funded health centers are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services. Health centers also often integrate access to pharmacy, mental health, substance use disorder, and oral health services in areas where economic, geographic, or cultural barriers limit access to affordable health care services. Health centers deliver care to the Nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and the Nation’s veterans.
For more information, visit
Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-certified facilities that primarily engage in providing services typically furnished in an outpatient clinic. Many, but not all, HRSA Health Center Service Delivery Sites are also FQHCs.
What is a Look-Alike?
Health Center Program look-alikes operate and provide services consistent with Health Center Program requirements, although they are not direct HRSA grantees. Together, Health Center Program award recipients and look-alikes ensure health care for the Nation’s underserved communities and vulnerable populations through service provision to all, regardless of ability to pay.
For more information, go to
For a HAB Grantee: Grantee can update their organization data in the RSR Recipient Report. This update will be reflected in the report-level table only.
For a Provider: Providers will need to contact Data Support. Data Support can log in to the PSA EHBs and update the provider organization info. This information will then be sync into the BRS system. Providers can update their report level data in the RST Provider Report. This update will be reflected in the report-level table only.
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Medical Providers: The information used to populate the provider locator tool is submitted by providers in the Ryan White Services Report (RSR) Provider Report. We encourage providers to review information submitted in the RSR Provider Report to ensure that what’s captured for the service sites accurately reflect location and contact information. RWHAP recipients should submit corrections to the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) Customer Support Center. Any updates or additions that are made to the RSR Provider Report during reporting season will be reflected in the provider locator tool as soon as the yearly update is complete.
Others: Any other corrections or updates can be requested at HRSA Grants and Electronic Handbooks Customer Support Center.
Health Centers can be found at You can find Health Centers near your current location, or can search by address, city, or ZIP code.
An interactive Quick Map of Health Centers can also be found at
To download a data file with a list of all Health centers, try the Data Download page:
If you know the activity code, you can also use Find Grants to view CARES Act funding for Health Centers or other HRSA grantee organizations:
A widget is a small, simple box that can be used to search HRSA Health centers, HRSA grants, HRSA HIV/AIDS providers, and other data. You can use the widget directly on the widget page:
Organizations can also add a widget to their website, allowing your constituents direct and convenient access to HRSA data.
The widget page ( contains a single line of code under each widget. Simply copy and paste the code directly onto the HTML page of your organization's website and the widget will appear.
As a result of the 2020 Census, there was a shift in the appointment of U.S House of Representatives' seats for the 118th Congress (January 3, 2023, to January 3, 2025). The House comprises 435 seats based on decennial census population counts. Every decade, as population changes, congressional districts for each state may change based on updated data collected by the Census Bureau. Through the redistricting process, the geographic area within the boundaries of a congressional district may be different from the geographic area of a congressional district with the same number in an earlier Congress. HRSA uses these Congressional Districts in all its data products, applications, tools, and dashboards.
You can find information summarized by Congressional Districts on HRSA's grants as well as by Nation, State, County and HHS regions on HRSA's Fact Sheets. Data on the Fact Sheets and Fact Sheet Maps are totaled by fiscal year. These same data are used in the Data Explorer, Data by Geography, Find Grants and other reports and maps.
View a summary of HRSA’s data for Congressional Districts here:
The About the Data page lists all data sources, refresh information, and metadata.
HRSA's Grants: Explore data for the last ten fiscal years.
HRSA Fact Sheets: Provides summary awarded grants data by geographical areas for the Nation, HHS Regions, States/Territories, Counties, and Congressional Districts by fiscal years.
Program areas:
- COVID-19
- Demographics
- Health Workforce
- Health Care Sites
- Health Systems
- HRSA Special Initiatives
- Rural Health
- Shortage Areas
You can find a summary of HRSA's Grants Funding on a National, State/Territory, County, and Congressional District geographic level as well as by HHS regions on HRSA's Fact Sheets. Data on the Fact Sheets and Fact Sheet Maps are totaled by fiscal year. The same data is used on the Data Explorer, Data by Geography, and other reports and maps.
View a summary of HRSA’s data here:
Health center program performance data can be found at
Grant award data can be accessed with Data Explorer, Data by Geography, Find Grants, and other maps and tools.
On our Data Download page, we have data in various formats (XLSX, CSV, ASCII, SAS, ZIP) and data for many HRSA programs. Over 100 files are available for download.
You can find a detailed listing of the available data on the About the Data page with links to access.
Still not finding what you need? First, try our Related Data Sites page, which features a variety of other public health data, mapping, and dashboard sites. If that still does not meet your needs, try contacting one of the following resources:
- Area Health Resources Files:
- Health Center Patient Survey:
- Uniform Data System: Phone: 877‐464-4772 orEmail contact form
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Federally Qualified Health Centers: FQHC organizations receive grants from HRSA update their own records in the Electronic Handbooks (EHB) system. Please see the following link to learn how an authorized user can make the update to the records:
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Medical Providers: The information used to populate the provider locator tool is submitted by sub-recipients in the Ryan White Services Report (RSR) provider report. We encourage sub-recipients to review information submitted in the RSR provider report to ensure that what’s captured for the sub-recipient site and service sites accurately reflect location and contact information. Grantees should submit corrections to their Program Officer. Any updates or additions that are made to the provider report during reporting season will be reflected in the provider locator tool as soon as the yearly update is complete.
Other organizations: Send us an email to
If you have any questions or require assistance in the usage of this site, email us at
Our Data Explorer is the best tool for selecting our datasets and creating custom views. The Data Explorer Guide has detailed instructions on selecting and filtering our datasets.
Our Demographics Dashboard allows you to view and compare population, demographics and HRSA program data nationally, by state and by county.
Demographic data can also be added to the Map Tool and combined with HRSA program data.
Demographic data also appears on the HRSA Fact Sheets.
Demographic data can be queried using the Data Explorer.
The data from Data Reports page initially can be filtered by State(s) or Territory/Territories. For further filtering, export your data results to an Excel file.
HRSA GIS layers representing Congressional Districts can be found here:
The Map Gallery provide simple, preformatted versions of frequently requested national maps in a PDF, formatted to print on an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper.
Quick Maps are interactive maps with pre-selected data layers focusing on a specific HRSA topic. They are designed for on-screen viewing of data and have basic navigation features such as zoom in and out, switch to satellite view, and add or remove layers. You can click a dot on the map (such as grantee location) to view data about that site.
Fact Sheet Maps are an interactive version of the printable Fact Sheets. They show HRSA funded grants totaled by Fiscal year. You can zoom in, zoom out, and click a grantee location to view data about that award.
Yes, simply type in a state, county, city, or ZIP Code into the “Enter a U.S. Location” box. As you type, location suggestions will display to help narrow the search. Select the desired location and press “Enter.” The map will zoom to the boundary of the area entered.
To return to a national view, click on the house icon in the vertical menu on the left-hand side of the tool.
The tools in the vertical toolbar have the following functions:
- Plus("Zoom in") – allows users to zoom in
- Minus("Zoom out") – allows users to zoom out
- House("Default map view") – allows users to return to the default, national view of the map
- Printer("Print") – allows users to print the map
- Four Squares("Change map background") – allows users to change the map background
- Stack("Open Legend") – allows user to view the legend
To add layers to the map, look at the options listed in the menus on the left-hand side of the tool. Layers are organized into categories to make it simpler to find the layers that you are looking for.
When you see the layer that you want, simply check the box next to the name of the layer that you want to add to the map.
First, click on “Open Legend” in the left-hand menu of the tool to expand that panel. The layers are displayed in order from top to bottom.
Reorder the layers by clicking on the menu icon next to the layer and choosing "move up" or "move down" to change the order on the map.
The symbols on the map for most layers are predefined in the Map Tool. To see the legend for your map, simply click on “Open Legend” in the left-hand menu of the tool to expand that panel. The legend for all layers on your map will be displayed.
Users can change the color and symbol for the layer when they first add it to the map. After choosing the layer, on the left hand side, they will be given the option to change the symbol and/or color.
Yes, you can upload your own data and display it on the map. You must have a file that contains the coordinates of the data elements (latitude and longitude), and the file must be a .CSV formatted file.
First, click on "Your Data” in the left-hand menu of the tool to open the Add Data window. Click the "Local CSV File" tab. Use the “Choose File” feature to locate your data file. The data will default to show on the map as red circles, but you can choose alternate symbols and colors. You can also choose a custom name for the layer.
Please note that the Map Tool displays your custom data on your computer only – it is not transferred to the HDW server or saved in any way.
On the "Web" tab, you can add data from either an ArcGIS Web Service, a WMS OGC Map Service, or a CSV file on the web. First select which type of data you would like to add, then copy and paste the web address, and click "Add Data to Map." Example sources are provided for each of these data types. More data from local, state and federal government agencies can be found, and directly from those agencies.
Users can choose from a variety of background (base) maps. To change the base map, click on “Change Map Background", displayed as four squares in the left-hand menu of the tool to expand that panel, choose one of the options for the base map display.
Add the layer(s) that you want to the map. Click on the point that you want to see details about using the left mouse button. You will see a pop-up window containing details about that point. The columns shown are pre-selected in the tool and differ by data set.
After you have added layers to your map, you can save it using the “Print” button on the left side of the Map Tool.
Yes. In the Map Tool under the YOUR DATA section, paste this URL:
Yes. In the Map Tool under the section titled "Your Data", click on "Add Data". When the pop-up module appears, ensure the "Web" tab is selected, then select the data type you're adding, and copy-n-paste the following URL:
Yes. In the Map Tool under the section titled "Your Data", click on "Add Data". When the pop-up module appears, ensure the "Web" tab is selected, then select the data type you're adding, and copy-n-paste the following URL:
The website features a number of specialized tools.
Data Explorer – used to combine/link different data sources and create custom queries
Federal Tort Claims Act Search Tool – filter and view data on Deemed Entities participating in the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) program
Find Grants – query the most recent ten years of grant data. Filter by year, state, county, program, and other variables.
Find Shortage Areas – query HPSA and MUA data
Health Center Program Data – a suite of dashboards and web reports highlighting Health Center program performance data
Medicare Physician Bonus Payment Eligibility Analyzer – see if your address is eligible
Medicare Telehealth Payment Eligibility Analyzer – see if your address is eligible
Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer – see if your address or county is eligible
The Find Grants tool allows you to search all of HRSA awarded grants, filter by different variables, and export the data. Grants data can also be found on the Data Explorer, Data by Geography, the Map Tool, and on the Data Download page.
The Data Explorer allows you to combine multiple datasets.
Unfortunately it is not possible to reliably locate HPSAs by ZIP code since HPSA boundaries and ZIP code boundaries do not line up. HPSA boundaries are based on census tracts.
If you would like to examine/work with the complete data set, we do offer a complete file of HPSAs, in many formats, that are updated nightly. You can access it at the bottom of this page:
Use the HPSA Find tool for additional ways to query and filter HPSA data.
Health Professional Shortage Areas and Medically Underserved Area/Population data can be found at Find Shortage Areas.
Use the Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer to determine whether a health care provider is located in geographic areas that are defined as Rural and eligible to apply for Rural Health Grants.
The Grants Dashboard allows you to explore HRSA awarded grants by fiscal year, program areas, HHS Region, state/territory, county and Congressional district.
The Data Explorer allows you to select datasets, create data views, and export the data.
Download Active Grants and Awarded Grants on the Data Downloads page.
Explore the Awarded Grants latest fiscal year on Quick Maps.
Grants data can also be added as a layer on the Map Tool.
Query Health Center data on the Data Explorer.
Data Download for Health Center Service Delivery and Look-Alike Sites.
Explore health center grantees and service delivery sites on Quick Maps.
Health Center Program Data — a suite of dashboards and web reports highlighting Health Center program performance data.
Where do I find Health Workforce Data?
- Alumni Clinician Dashboard
- Area Health Resources Files
- Awarded Grants data
- Data by Geography
- Field Strength Dashboard
- Find Grants
- Health Professions Training Program Dashboard
- Health Professions Training Programs
- Health Sites Dashboard
- National Health Service Corps (NHSC) and Nurse Corps
- Nursing Workforce Survey Data
- Shortage Areas
- Unified Clinician Dashboard
Where do I find Workforce Reports?
Who do I contact regarding NHSC eligibility?
To determine National Health Service Corps (NHSC) site eligibility please contact HRSA at or call 1-800-221-9393.
Where do I find Health Systems data?
How do I find an Organ Transplant Center?
Where can I find information about Health Systems programs?
How Do I Find a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Medical Provider?
HIV/AIDS Data and Reports
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Dashboard
- Awarded Grants
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Recipients and Sub-Recipients Report
- Download Data
Where can I find information about Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program?
What are HRSA Special Initiatives?
HRSA special initiatives support efforts to build community capacity to serve the public health needs of vulnerable populations.
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
Border Health
- Awarded Grants, U.S.Mexico Border Health Initiative Area
- Awarded Grants, U.S.Mexico Border(Designated Counties)
Delta Regional Authority (DRA)
How do I determine the eligibility for health care providers?
Is there a map of Rural Health providers?
- See Rural Health areas on Quick Maps.
How do I find awarded grant information for Rural Health?
- Go to the Find Grants tool.
How do I find Grants information?
- Grants Dashboard
- Find Grants
- Awarded Grants by State and County
- Data Reports
- Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer
What years are available?
- The previous ten fiscal years plus the current fiscal year. The Federal fiscal year runs from October 1st through September 30th.
Where can I see a summary of HRSA Grants?
What is the difference between "Active and Awarded Grants"?
- Active Grant – A financial assistance award (e.g., grant/cooperative agreement) whose project period effective date has already started in the current fiscal year or a prior fiscal year and has not yet expired. (To explain further, a grant is counted as “active” when awarded by HRSA in the current Fiscal Year, or in a prior Fiscal Year if the grantee is still actively working on the grant. Grants may have a duration up to five years. Once a grant is closed out by HRSA, it is no longer counted as an active grant.)
- Awarded Grant – A financial assistance award (e.g., grant/cooperative agreement) whose federal funds have been obligated in a prior or current fiscal year and may be active, inactive, or closed. (To explain further, a grant is counted as “awarded” only once, in the fiscal year in which that grant was awarded, even though grants may have a duration of up to five years.)
Go to the Map Tool
- Click on "Add Data". You may add data from the web or from a CSV file on your computer.
- On the "Web" tab, you can add data from either an ArcGIS Web Service, a WMS OGC Map Service, or a CSV file on the web. First, select which type of data you would like to add, then copy and paste the web address, and click "Add Data to Map." Example sources are provided for each of these data types. More data from local, state and Federal government agencies can be found at, and directly from those agencies.
- On the "Local CSV File" tab, click "Choose File" to select a CSV file stored on your computer or device. You can then optionally enter a layer name, symbol color, outline color and/or symbol to use. Finally, click "Upload Data to Map."
- After adding your data, the layer(s) will appear in the left sidebar under "Your Data." If there are multiple layers in a map service, you will need to select at least one to see it on the map.

The Demographics Dashboard will allow you to compare demographics and HRSA funding data for two states, and by counties.
You can create custom reports with the Data Explorer. It allows you to select datasets to create custom data views and further the results with filters and export the data.
- YouTube Video: Introducing the Data Explorer
- Data Explorer Guide
Go to the Data Explorer
- Select the Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) as your dataset.
- Select HRSA Grants under Optional Step 2 - Select Associated Data and then click on the View Data button.

Go to HRSA Fact Sheet Maps
- Click on the State/Territory tab and then select a State/Territory.

Go to HRSA Map Tool

- Select Health Center Service Delivery Sites
- Enter a state in the search box
Go to Quick Maps -Awarded Grants Latest Fiscal Year and enter a state, county or address

Please submit your question at or call 877-464-4772, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET (except Federal holidays). Our goal is to respond to your inquiry within one business day.
Follow the steps below:
- After you have your query results in Data Explore, check Longitude and Latitude under "Show/Hide Columns" and export the data and save as a CSV file to your local computer.

- Open up the Map Tool.
- Under the category "Your Data" on the left, click on "Add Data" and then click on "Local CSV File" in the pop-up and browse for the CSV file you just saved.
- Change the Layer Name, color and/or the Symbol if you desire and hit the "UPLOAD DATA TO MAP" button.

The HRSA Fact Sheets will allow you to create a PDF file of all HRSA activity in either your state, county or Congressional District and print or download it.
A report is available here:
A report is available here:
The website features a report of all CMS Facilities, view here This report is updated quarterly. You can filter by state and by type of facility.
Use the Ryan White Recipients and Sub-Recipients report:
The Map Gallery includes a national map showing HRSA's opioid response grants for FY18 and FY19.
If you know the activity code, you can also use Find Grants to view CARES Act funding for Health Centers or other HRSA grantee organizations.
Data on Health Centers can be found at Health Center Data and Reporting or contact the individual bureaus.
The Area Health Resource File (AHRF) allows you to find how many doctors, nurses, or other types of health workers are in your state or county.
The Demographics Dashboard will allow you to view and compare population, demographics, and HRSA program data nationally, by state, and by county.
The Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer will check for eligibility status by address.
Go to Find Shortage Areas by Address, enter an address to determine whether it is located in a shortage area: HPSA Geographic, HPSA Geographic High Needs, or Population Group HPSA or an MUA/P.
Note: This search will not identify facility HPSAs. To find these HPSAs, use the HPSA Find tool.
Go to Related Data Sites to view public health data from other government agencies or organizations on the following topics:
- Children & Family Health
- COVID-19
- Disease & Health Programs
- Health Center Service Delivery Sites
- Health Datasets
- Health Equity
- Health Reports
- Health Workforce
- Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance, and Payment Data
- Obesity
- Opioids & Substance Abuse Disorder(SUD)
- Organ Donation and Transplantation
- Rural Health
Follow the steps below:
- Go to the Find Grants tool
- Select the fiscal years you're interested in.
- Select your State
- Select your County or Congressional District

Health Center Program Data – a suite of dashboards and web reports highlighting Health Center program performance data. These reports include the QIA badges.
Maintenance Type | Start Date & Time | End Date & Time | Affected Applications |