How-To Videos
How-to Videos
Data Explorer
Dec 16, 2020
A walkthrough of creating a custom data query using the Data Explorer tool.
Find a Health Center Locator Tool
Aug 28, 2018
This video explains how to find a health center in an area near you as well as how to export your results to an Excel spreadsheet or PDF.
Finding and Exploring Shortage Areas
Apr 17, 2020
A combined video on “finding and exploring shortage areas ” to focus on HPSA Find, MUA Find, Shortage Area by Address, and the HPSA/MUA dashboards.
HRSA Fact Sheets
Apr 17, 2020
The HRSA Fact Sheets are handy one-page PDFs summarizing a wide variety of HRSA activities.
Sep 12, 2018
HRSA’s new Open Data website,, allows you to access data on Health Centers, Grants, Shortage Areas, Organ Donation, and from other HRSA programs. The entire site was re-organized for easier navigation, and is also mobile-friendly.

Introducing HRSA Health Care and Service Delivery Sites Dashboard
May 4, 2023
This video provides a demonstration on how to utilize the features of the dashboard to access location of sites funded by or participating in HRSA related programs by state, county and congressional districts.

The new HRSA Data Warehouse Homepage
Jul 20, 2023
Walkthrough of the new home page.
Recorded Webinars
Webinar: Custom Map Tool
Nov 1, 2019
An overview of the HRSA data warehouse and our Web site, including some of the improvements made over the last year, and a demonstration of our new Map Tool.
Webinar: Data Explorer Tool
Aug 19, 2019
Bayard Catron explains the features of the new Data Explorer. Rita Feehan provides a demonstration of the Data Explorer.

Webinar: HRSA Data Warehouse Training
Feb 11, 2021
Overview and demonstration of HRSA Data Warehouse.
Webinar: Introduction to
Mar 20, 2019
Video tutorial of the HRSA Data Warehouse.
Webinar: Widgets, Dashboards and Fact Sheets
Apr 17, 2020
Webinar: Workforce Projections Dashboard
September 21, 2021
This video explains how to utilize the Health Workforce Projections Tool, an interactive tool the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA) has developed based on its Health Workforce Simulation Model.