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Map Services

Map services provide a web-based method for end users to access geographic (map) and spatial data available in the HDW. Services include HRSA data as well as additional layers, such as state and county boundaries, that help establish the geographic context of HRSA-specific data. Map layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL ( endpoint.

The services can be used to include data from the data warehouse in custom maps developed with desktop GIS software or web-based mapping software. These services allow users to:

  • Include HDW data layer(s) in custom-created maps
  • Query and filter the data by location or attribute value
  • Select the symbols used to represent map data in each layer
  • Create custom feature labels

The connection server is: — see the ArcGIS Pro Instructions PDF for step-by-step instructions on how to connect to these services.

List of Map Services

Map Service Description
Area Health Education The Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program enhances access to high quality, culturally competent health care through academic-community partnerships to ultimately improve the distribution, diversity, and supply of the primary care health professions workforce who serve in rural and underserved health care delivery sites. The AHEC Program awardees subcontract with community based AHEC centers in one or more regions of a state. Along with state and local partners, the AHEC programs and centers: (a) recruit and train students from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds into health careers; (b) place health professions students in community-based clinical practice settings — with a focus on primary care; (c) promote inter-professional education and collaborative teams to improve quality of care; and (d) facilitate continuing education resources and programs for health professionals — particularly in rural and underserved areas. This service provides information on the AHEC Program. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
CMS Approved Facilities This is the “Provider of Service” extract from the Quality Improvement Evaluation System (QIES) database maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These data include provider number, name, and address and characterize the participating institutional provider (including hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, and other types of facilities). The data are collected through the CMS Regional Offices. This service provides information on CMS approved facilities. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
Health Professional Shortage Areas The Division of Policy and Shortage Designation (DPSD) in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) develops shortage designation criteria that is used to decide whether a geographic area or population group is a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA), Medically Underserved Area (MUA), or Medically Underserved Population (MUP). HPSAs may have shortages of primary medical care, dental, or mental health providers; and may be urban or rural areas, population groups, or medical or other public facilities. This service provides information on Health Professional Shortage Areas. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
HRSA Grants This service provides information on Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) awarded grants. HRSA awards over 90 percent of its appropriated funds through grants. The purpose of these grants is to assure access to essential health care for underserved populations and eliminate health disparities. The HRSA grants data are extracted from the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHB), which is the information system that tracks the day-to-day transactions associated with HRSA’s grant data. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations The Division of Policy and Shortage Designation (DPSD) in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) develops shortage designation criteria and uses these criteria to decide whether a geographic area or population group is a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA), Medically Underserved Area (MUA), or Medically Underserved Population (MUP). This service provides information on MUAs and MUPs. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
Migrant Health Care Migrant & Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) is a federally funded program providing comprehensive Head Start services, including child development/school readiness, social and health (including nutrition, oral health, and mental wellness) services to low-income families working in agriculture, or families who migrate for the purpose of working in agriculture. The Migrant Health Care feature service includes the names, addresses, and season/service hours for the MSHS centers. The layer can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
National Health Services Corps The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) is committed to improving the health of the underserved populations within our nation by uniting communities in need with caring health professionals and supporting community efforts toward building better systems of care. The NHSC provides comprehensive team-based health care that bridges geographic, financial, cultural, and language barriers. The NHSC service provides information on NHSC participants, NHSC jobs and NHSC eligible sites. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
Organ Donation and Transplantation This service contains high level information regarding the individual state Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO) and their associated Organ Transplantation Centers (OTC). For each organization and transplantation center this data includes center name, address, and indication of which organs the center transplants. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
Primary Health Care Facilities The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers provide comprehensive, culturally competent, quality primary health care services to medically underserved communities and vulnerable populations. Health centers are community-based and consumer-run organizations that serve populations with limited access to health care. These include low-income populations, the uninsured, people with limited English proficiency, migrant and seasonal farm workers, individuals, and families experiencing homelessness, and people living in public housing. For information about the HRSA Health Centers program, see The Primary Health Care Facilities service provides information on Health Center Service Delivery Sites and Health Center Service Delivery Grantees. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Care The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) funds direct health care services including medical care, treatment and some supportive services for people living with HIV (PLWH) through grants to states, cities, and community health organizations (clinics, university, or hospital clinics, etc.) The RWHAP provides services to low-income uninsured or underinsured PLWH to ensure they are linked to and retained in medical care and started on antiretroviral medications as early as possible. RWHAP funded medical care providers can refer you to dental care and other support services as well as provide access to HIV medications. For more information, visit This Ryan White HIV/AIDS Care service provides information on Ryan White HIV/AIDS medical providers. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (
Veterans Health Administration Health Care Facilities The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides healthcare services to its veterans across the USA including territories and possessions. Healthcare services are delivered through 21 geographically divided administrative areas called Veterans Integrated Services Networks (VISN). Each VISN contains several Veterans Health Administration (VHA) health care delivery sites. Key information about these sites is created and maintained in the Veterans Affairs Site Tracking (VAST) database, which serves as the official repository of data on the number and location of VHA’s sites of health care delivery including medical centers, hospitals, nursing homes, domiciliary residential rehabilitation treatment programs, outpatient clinics, and vet centers. The original VAST database was created by the Planning Systems Support Group (PSSG) in 1999 and it is updated on a continuous basis. This dataset provides a spatial representation of the information contained in the VAST database at the publication date. The key attribute in this data set is STA_NO which is defined as a string of 3-7 characters with unique alphanumeric combinations for each site. If the string is only 3 characters, it is designated as a parent facility. If the string is 5 characters long, the first 3 characters refer to its parent facility and the last 2 characters designate it is a Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) or other supporting health care delivery site to a parent facility. If the string is 7 characters long, the first 3 are for its parent facility, the next 2 designate it as a supporting health care delivery site, and the last 2 characters designate it as a satellite or an additional access point for the supporting health site. Example: ‘402’ is a parent facility in Maine. ‘402HB’ is an associated CBOC located in a different town in Maine. ‘402HB01’ stands for a satellite clinic also in a different town that is associated with the parent facility’s CBOC. The layers can be directly viewed with ArcGIS Pro software or through custom applications using the service’s REST URL endpoint. Use the map service REST URL (