Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Compass Dashboard
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Compass Dashboard provides users an opportunity to interact with and visualize the reach, impact, and outcomes of the RWHAP. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) developed the RWHAP Compass Dashboard to support data utilization to improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum. By advancing users’ ability to interact with and utilize RWHAP program data, the dashboard supports HRSA HAB’s vision of optimal HIV/AIDS care and treatment for all.
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Compass Dashboard
Understand Outcomes, Demographics, and Performance for Years 2010-2021
Compare RWHAP data by year, state, and jurisdiction
Explore Data on Priority Populations for Years 2010-2021
Compare and analyze data by gender, race, transmission category, age, and other factors
Outcome Measures by AgeCompare viral suppression or retention in care for RWHAP clients by age
Outcome Measures by Race/EthnicityCompare viral suppression or retention in care for RWHAP clients by race/ethnicity
Outcome Measures by Housing StatusCompare viral suppression or retention in care for RWHAP clients by housing status
Outcome Measures by Transmission CategoryCompare viral suppression or retention in care for RWHAP clients by transmission category
RWHAP Services Received
for Years
2010-2021Explore the services provided through RWHAP
RWHAP Services ReceivedExplore core medical and support services received by RWHAP clients
RWHAP AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) for Years 2014-2021
Explore the ADAP data
ADAP Client CharacteristicsExplore RWHAP ADAP client demographic characteristics by jurisdiction