Related Data Sites
Children & Family Health
- 500 Cities Health Data (CDC)
- Child Health Data (Data Resource Center for Children & Adolescent Health)
- Child Support Enforcement Data (ACL)
- Data on Aging (ACL)
- Maternal and Child Health Title V Block Grant Data (HRSA)
- About the Health Center COVID-19 Survey
- COVID-19 data (Census Bureau)
- Health Center COVID-19 Survey Tool
- HHS Protect Public Data Hub
- HHS Provider Relief Fund
- Johns Hopkins Dashboard
- University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute Dashboard
Disease & Health Programs
- Healthy People 2020- Heart Disease and Stroke Objectives
- Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke (CDC)
- Million Hearts Initiative
- Open Data (CDC)
- Vaccine Injury Compensation Data
Health Center Service Delivery Sites
- Compare National & State Health Centers Data
- Health Center Grantee Dashboard
- Health Center Look-Alike Dashboard
- Health Center Patient Survey
- Health Center UDS Data
- Health Center Workforce Well-being Survey
- Uniform Data System (UDS) Mapper
Health Center Workforce Well-being Survey
- Health Center Workforce Well-being Initiative
- Health Center Workforce Well-being Survey Dashboard Introduction Video
- Health Center Workforce Well-being Survey National Data Report
- Projecting Health Workforce Supply and Demand
Health Datasets
- 2016 Uninsured Population Mapping Tool
- Children with Special Health Care Needs by State (HRSA)
- Chronic Disease Indicators (CDI)
- Data Visualization Gallery (NCHS)
- - Health
- Disability and Health Data (CDC)
- FDA-Tracking: Agency Program Performance
- Health System Dashboard
- HHS Health Datasets
- Maps of Tobacco Usage by State (CDC)
- National Health Center Data
- National Vital Statistics System
- Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Data, Trends and Maps (CDC)
- Rural Health Data
- State and County Cancer Profiles (NIH)
- State Cancer Facts (CDC)
- United States Cancer Atlas
Health Reports
- AHRQ Data Spotlight: Hypertension Control in Health Centers
- Area Health Education Centers Program
- Bureau of Health Workforce Apply for a Grant
- For Schools: Apply for a Loan Program
- For Schools: Manage Your Loan Program
- Health of the United States 2017 (CDC National Center for Health Statistics)
- State Health System Performance Scorecard
Health Workforce
- Bureau of Health Workforce
- Health Workforce Connector
- Health Workforce Employment Statistics (BLS)
- Health Workforce Research Centers
- National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA)
- National Practitioner Data Bank
- Shortage Designations
- HIV/AIDS Maps and Data (AIDSVu)
- Resources to Improve Outcomes
- RWHAP Compass Dashboard User Support Materials
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Grants Dashboard (HRSA)
- Standardized Performance Fact Sheet
Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance, and Payment Data
Opioids & Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD)
- 2012 - 2016 Opioid Overdose Deaths - Interactive Map
- Addressing the Opioid Epidemic
- Alcohol-related disease impact (CDC)
- Drug Overdose Data (CDC)
- National Survey of Drug Use – Maps (SAMHSA)
- National Survey of Drug Use and Health (SAMHSA)
- Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts (CDC)