Find Shortage Areas
Shortage designations are used to improve access to primary care, dental, and mental health providers. The tools below allow users to query shortage area data.

Search HPSA data by state and county (or counties). HPSA Find provides the type of HPSA (geographic, population, or facility-based), score, HPSA type, and other details. The tool allows users to filter, sort, and export the results.
Search HPSAs by State/County
Find Shortage Areas by Address
Enter an address to determine if it is in a shortage area: Geographic or Population HPSA or MUA/P and the details about that shortage area. Results can be viewed as text or on a map.
Search Shortage Areas by Address
MUA Find
Search MUA/P data by state and county (or counties). MUA Find provides the type of underserved area (underserved, low income, population), score, and other details. The tool allows users to filter, sort, and export the results.
Search MUAs by State/County