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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

National Health Center Program Uniform Data System (UDS) Look-Alike Data

Explore national Health Center Program look-alike data on patient characteristics, services provided, clinical processes and health outcomes, patients' use of services, staffing, costs, and revenues by viewing expanded summaries of UDS tables and a summary of key UDS data measures over the last five years. Also see national Health Center Program awardee UDS data.

Total Number of Reporting Look-Alikes: 133

Reporting Period: 2023

Total Patients Served: 1,221,896

Reporting Source: Uniform Data System (UDS) Report

Community Health Center Quality Recognition (CHQR) Badges

The CHQR badges recognize Health Center Program awardees and LALs that have made notable quality improvement achievements in the areas of access, quality, health equity, and health information technology for the most recent UDS reporting period. Learn more.

National Quality Leader
Health Center Quality Leader - Gold
Health Center Quality Leader - Silver
Health Center Quality Leader - Bronze
Access Enhancer
Health Disparities Reducer
Advancing Health Information Technology (HIT) for Quality
Social Risk Factors

Note that percentages represent the number of look-alikes that met the criteria for each CHQR badge from a denominator of look-alikes that reported UDS data.

Expanded Summaries for 2023 UDS Data Tables

The UDS includes tables that provide consistent demographic, clinical, operational, and financial data. View national aggregated summaries of UDS health center look-alike data. For more detailed descriptions of UDS tables, visit the UDS Resources page to access UDS manuals and other reporting documentation.

Go to the HRSA Electronic Reading Room to download publicly available UDS data. Visit the Data Downloads page to download a list of federally-funded Health Center Service Delivery and Look–Alike Sites that provide health services.

UDS Data Five-Year Summary

Select five-year national summaries of look-alike data: Age and Race/Ethnicity, Patient Characteristics, Services, Clinical, and Cost.

Age and Race / Ethnicity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Patients 595,030 679,010 955,065 1,039,048 1,221,896
Age (% of total patients)
% Children (< 18 years) 28.63% 27.32% 29.56% 28.80% 27.86%
Children (< 18 years) 170,354 185,522 282,334 299,297 340,377
% Adults (18 – 64 years) 60.57% 61.54% 59.21% 59.25% 58.92%
Adults (18 – 64 years) 360,415 417,896 565,477 615,678 719,938
% Older Adults (Age 65 and over) 10.80% 11.13% 11.23% 11.94% 13.22%
Older Adults (Age 65 and over) 64,261 75,592 107,254 124,073 161,581
Patients By Race & Ethnicity (% known)
% Racial and/or Ethnic Minority Patients 63.82% 61.94% 62.09% 60.23% 58.32%
Number of Racial and/or Ethnic Minority Patients 342,016 378,956 536,009 567,294 633,660
% Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Patients 30.54% 31.12% 33.73% 33.26% 32.00%
Number of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Ethnicity Patients 171,417 199,907 302,931 323,148 363,412
% Non-Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin White Patients 40.71% 43.43% 43.38% 45.14% 47.10%
Number of Non-Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin White Patients 193,852 232,831 327,314 374,564 452,860
% Total Asian Patients * 9.49% 8.33% 7.69% 7.83% 7.79%
Number of Total Asian Patients * 45,174 44,636 58,001 64,990 74,936
% Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Patients * 0.61% 0.47% 0.65% 0.63% 0.53%
Number of Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Patients * 2,916 2,526 4,883 5,231 5,095
% Black/African American Patients * 24.71% 23.76% 22.39% 20.72% 19.85%
Number of Black/African American * 117,645 127,371 168,927 171,940 190,867
% American Indian/Alaska Native Patients * 0.90% 0.96% 0.95% 0.93% 1.00%
Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Patients * 4,278 5,143 7,192 7,741 9,571
% More than one race Patients * 3.08% 2.94% 3.09% 3.12% 2.27%
Number of Patients with More than one race * 14,649 15,755 23,320 25,916 21,836
Total Patients with Known Race Ethnicity (Denominator) 476,140 536,106 754,593 829,835 961,478
Total Racial and/or Ethnic Minority Patients (Denominator) 535,868 611,787 863,323 941,858 1,086,520
Total Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin & Non-Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Patients (Denominator for Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Ethnicity) 561,330 642,454 898,142 971,696 1,135,675
Language (% known)
% Best Served in a Language other than English 21.87% 23.02% 23.24% 22.86% 21.93%
Number of Patients Best Served in a Language Other than English 130,115 156,330 221,936 237,545 267,985
Patient Characteristics 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Income Status (% of patients with known income)
Total Patients with Known Income (Denominator) 380,226 411,795 553,034 611,363 771,974
% Patients at or Below 200% of Federal Poverty Guideline 89.25% 88.02% 86.88% 87.88% 85.82%
Patients at or Below 200% of Federal Poverty Guideline 339,335 362,482 480,453 537,258 662,525
% Patients at or Below 100% of Federal Poverty Guideline (included in above) 64.89% 63.15% 61.27% 60.96% 59.07%
Patients at or Below 100% of Federal Poverty Guideline (included in above) 246,718 260,046 338,846 372,682 456,039
Insurance Status (% of total patients)
% None/Uninsured Patients 14.12% 12.22% 10.22% 9.17% 9.06%
None/Uninsured Patients 84,028 83,001 97,625 95,239 110,736
% None/Uninsured Children (<18 years) 7.73% 6.52% 5.36% 5.80% 5.64%
None/Uninsured Children (<18 years) 13,176 12,092 15,136 17,371 19,188
% Medicaid/CHIP Patients * 54.76% 53.21% 53.37% 53.85% 52.43%
Medicaid/CHIP Patients * 325,843 361,335 509,711 559,513 640,583
% Medicare Patients 12.50% 12.51% 12.37% 12.46% 13.70%
Medicare Patients 74,353 84,923 118,114 129,482 167,408
% Dually Eligible (Medicare and Medicaid) 4.85% 4.64% 4.89% 5.09% 5.34%
Dually Eligible (Medicare and Medicaid) 28,857 31,530 46,736 52,899 65,256
% Other Third-Party Patients 18.62% 22.05% 24.04% 24.52% 24.81%
Other Third-Party Patients 110,806 149,751 229,615 254,814 303,169
Total Patients 595,030 679,010 955,065 1,039,048 1,221,896
Children (< 18 years) 170,354 185,522 282,334 299,297 340,377
Special Populations
% Homeless Patients 1.67% 1.27% 1.37% 1.81% 2.15%
Total Homeless Patients 9,941 8,594 13,068 18,853 26,319
% Total Agricultural Workers or Their Family Members 1.90% 1.72% 1.17% 1.40% 1.20%
Total Agricultural Workers or Their Family Members 11,293 11,654 11,174 14,507 14,722
% Public Housing Patients 6.88% 7.90% 8.19% 8.73% 8.24%
Total Patients Served at a Health Center Located In or Immediately Accessible to a Public Housing Site 40,946 53,658 78,239 90,723 100,718
% School-Based Service Site Patients 0.92% 0.80% 0.81% 0.84% 1.16%
School-Based Service Site Patients 5,476 5,433 7,740 8,698 14,181
% Veterans Patients 1.32% 1.34% 0.97% 1.01% 1.16%
Veterans Patients 7,853 9,074 9,302 10,453 14,183
Number of Female Patients (ages 15-44) 147,539 171,440 232,651 260,687 301,372
% Patients Under 15 Who are Female 20.41% 19.51% 21.28% 20.17% 19.38%
Number of Patients Under 15 Who are Female 69,900 75,741 114,763 119,540 134,657
Patients 15-64 Who are Female 68.47% 69.01% 67.09% 67.50% 67.01%
Number of Patients 15-64 Who are Female 234,497 267,916 361,894 400,056 465,635
Patients 65 and Over Who are Female 11.12% 11.48% 11.64% 12.33% 13.61%
Number of Patients 65 and Over Who are Female 38,094 44,566 62,766 73,078 94,565
Total Female Patients (Denominator) 342,491 388,223 539,423 592,674 694,857
Patients by Sexual Orientation
% Lesbian or Gay (% of known) 2.90% 4.33% 3.88% 4.00% 3.81%
% Heterosexual or Straight (% of known) 95.14% 91.29% 92.97% 92.32% 92.31%
% Bisexual (% of known) 1.32% 1.71% 2.03% 2.44% 2.64%
% Other (% of known) 0.65% 2.66% 1.12% 1.24% 1.25%
% Don't know (% of total) 37.42% 2.90% 3.38% 3.47% 3.14%
% Chose Not to Disclose (% of total) 4.87% 4.90% 6.48% 7.62% 8.17%
% Unknown (% of total) 32.80% 32.99% 29.29% 26.50%
Patients by Gender Identity
% Male (% of known) 30.58% 40.15% 41.50% 41.66% 42.10%
% Female (% of known) 44.25% 55.92% 57.53% 57.38% 57.00%
% Transgender Man/Transgender Male/Transmasculine (% of known) 0.21% 0.52% 0.51% 0.50% 0.47%
% Transgender Woman/Transgender Female/Transfeminine (% of known) 0.23% 0.46% 0.45% 0.46% 0.43%
% Other (% of total) 23.39% 2.21% 0.61% 0.74% 0.62%
% Chose Not to Disclose (% of total) 5.40% 1.79% 2.01% 2.38% 1.92%
% Unknown (% of total) 23.35% 27.39% 23.09% 17.79%
Services (% of patients) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
% Medical Patients 91.76% 90.53% 90.59% 88.88% 86.83%
Medical Patients 546,017 614,738 865,207 923,491 1,061,013
% Dental Patients 9.58% 8.30% 8.58% 9.52% 10.48%
Dental Patients 56,978 56,367 81,925 98,926 128,018
% Mental Health Patients 9.06% 8.70% 8.52% 9.04% 11.14%
Mental Health Patients 53,909 59,101 81,414 93,945 136,169
% Substance Use Disorder Patients 0.47% 0.70% 0.95% 0.67% 0.99%
Substance Use Disorder Patients 2,781 4,780 9,039 6,934 12,126
% Vision Patients 1.17% 0.89% 1.16% 1.22% 1.52%
Vision Patients 6,970 6,026 11,101 12,626 18,626
% Enabling Services Patients 5.44% 4.37% 6.05% 7.01% 6.06%
Enabling Services Patients 32,374 29,642 57,739 72,813 74,028
Total Patients 595,030 679,010 955,065 1,039,048 1,221,896
Clinical Data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Medical Conditions (% of Patients with Medical Conditions)
% Hypertension Patients * 27.18% 28.01% 28.05% 25.90% 26.56%
Number of Hypertension Patients * 104,648 123,598 168,801 167,981 200,161
% Diabetes Patients * 14.60% 14.12% 13.81% 14.42% 15.16%
Number of Diabetes Patients * 54,031 59,782 79,714 89,430 108,455
% Asthma 5.34% 5.45% 5.09% 5.13% 5.31%
Number of Asthma Patients 29,160 33,510 44,069 47,407 56,307
% Symptomatic/Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1.49% 1.70% 1.52% 1.60% 1.58%
Number of Symptomatic/Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 8,148 10,444 13,144 14,793 16,788
Number of Prenatal Care Patients 12,602 14,117 16,114 19,845 20,587
Number of Prenatal Care Patients who Delivered 7,144 8,119 8,994 10,911 12,008
Quality of Care Measures
Perinatal Health
Early Entry into Prenatal Care (first visit in first trimester) 76.46% 76.57% 72.80% 74.86% 71.96%
Number of Access to Prenatal Care (First Prenatal Visit in 1st Trimester) 9,635 10,810 11,731 14,855 14,815
% Low and Very Low Birth Weight 7.55% 7.22% 7.77% 8.36% 7.89%
Number of Newborns with Low Birth Weight 542 587 711 784 746
Preventive Health Screening & Services
Cervical Cancer Screening * 51.44% 46.29% 45.37% 47.93% 46.07%
Number of Cervical Cancer Screening Patients * 83,791 82,314 109,356 125,958 143,541
Breast Cancer Screening 47.74% 44.58% 49.25% 51.07%
Number of Female Patients Aged 52 through 74 who had a mammogram to screen for breast cancer 35,784 49,204 59,169 74,017
Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents * 64.67% 59.66% 59.31% 60.84% 60.10%
Number of Children Age 3-17 with Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity * 71,574 69,234 113,962 124,516 147,186
Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan * 56.40% 52.00% 47.43% 48.33% 56.98%
Number of Adult Medical Patients Age 18 and Older with Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up * 200,739 201,969 254,138 283,889 409,496
Percent Adults Screened for Tobacco Use and Receiving Cessation Intervention * 79.61% 77.76% 74.76% 76.53% 75.98%
Number of Adult Medical Patients Age 18 and Older Screened for Tobacco Use and Received Cessation Counseling * 222,995 231,562 317,844 368,563 470,865
Colorectal Cancer Screening * 42.61% 39.01% 37.68% 40.77% 39.56%
Number of Patients Screened for Colorectal Cancer * 59,696 60,025 78,851 92,930 128,860
Childhood Immunization Status * 42.73% 40.77% 37.94% 31.93% 37.37%
Number of Children Under Age 3 Who Received Appropriate Childhood Immunizations * 3,475 3,371 5,004 4,432 5,622
Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan * 57.24% 53.60% 53.92% 57.14% 58.90%
Number of Patients Screened for Clinical Depression and if Positive had a Follow-Up Plan Documented * 205,723 213,188 288,377 323,843 395,214
Depression Remission at Twelve Months 14.46% 15.21% 16.45% 16.59%
Number of Patients 12 years of age and older with major depression or dysthymia who reached remission 12 months (+/- 60 days) after an index event 1,824 1,981 2,219 3,096
Dental Sealants for Children between 6-9 Years 53.93% 55.40% 39.79% 49.25% 42.44%
Number of Children Age 6-9 Who Received Dental Sealants 1,089 610 1,202 1,454 1,986
HIV Screening 25.56% 30.02% 35.91% 34.35%
Number of Patients 15 through 65 years of age who were tested for HIV when within age range 81,579 150,987 201,250 227,299
Chronic Disease Management
Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease * 70.86% 70.27% 69.25% 73.50% 75.72%
Number of Patients at High Risk of Cardiovascular Events who were Prescribed or were on Statin Therapy * 37,463 43,904 66,786 94,236 107,166
Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Use of Aspirin or Another Antiplatelet * 72.24% 72.54% 72.35% 70.15% 67.74%
Number of Patients Age 18 and Older Diagnosed with Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Use of Aspirin or Another Antithrombotic * 10,523 11,501 15,488 17,782 19,528
Controlling High Blood Pressure * 62.98% 55.71% 57.03% 59.97% 62.69%
Number of Patients with Hypertension (HTN) Whose Blood Pressure (BP) was Controlled (< 140/90 mmHg) * 65,903 68,852 96,269 100,745 125,485
Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control * 33.50% 36.70% 33.28% 29.65% 29.96%
Number of Diabetic Patients with Poorly Controlled Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c > 9%) or No Test During Year * 18,099 21,940 26,529 26,513 32,491
% of Patients seen for follow-up within 30 days of first ever HIV diagnosis 88.84% 80.37% 87.89% 85.29% 83.83%
Number of HIV Patients Who were Newly Diagnosed HIV and Received Follow-up Treatment 207 172 370 435 560
Cost Data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Cost $656,615,219 $811,926,343 $1,155,901,732 $1,402,681,015 $1,797,069,117
Total Accrued Cost per Patient $1,103.50 $1,195.75 $1,210.29 $1,349.97 $1,470.72


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Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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