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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table WFC: Workforce

Connecticut Data

16 Awardees

Line Measures Number of Health Centers % of Total
1. Does your health center provide any health professional education/training that is a hands-on, practical, or clinical experience?
a. Yes 14 87.50%
b. No 2 12.50%
1a. If yes, which category best describes your health center's role in the health professional education/training process?
a. Sponsor * 4 28.57%
b. Training site partner * 13 92.86%
c. Other 0 0.00%
Line Measures Pre-Graduate/Certificate (a) Post-Graduate Training (b)
2. Please indicate the range of health professional education/training offered at your health center and how many individuals you have trained in each category within the calendar year.
1. Physicians 183 372
a. Family Physicians 20
b. General Practitioners 108
c. Internists 168
d. Obstetrician/Gynecologists 154
e. Pediatricians 95
f. Other Specialty Physicians 68
2. Nurse Practitioners 84 64
3. Physician Assistants 35 34
4. Certified Nurse Midwives 11 2
5. Registered Nurses 61 19
6. Licensed Practical Nurses/ Vocational Nurses 0 13
7. Medical Assistants 47 38
8. Dentists 14 5
9. Dental Hygienists 88 4
10. Dental therapists 0 0
10a. Dental Assistants 5 8
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder
11. Psychiatrists 17
12. Clinical Psychologists 14 1
13. Clinical Social Workers 19 55
14. Professional Counselors 10 10
15. Marriage and Family therapists 4 3
16. Psychiatric Nurse Specialists 0 0
17. Mental Health Nurse Practitioners 28 5
18. Mental Health Physician Assistants 0 0
19. Substance Use Disorder Personnel 0 0
20. Ophthalmologists 5 0
21. Optometrists 0 0
Other Professionals
22. Chiropractors 18 2
23. Dieticians/Nutritionists 16 1
24. Pharmacists 20 1
25. Other 36 5
Line Measures Number of Health Center Staff % of Total
3. Provide the number of health center personnel serving as preceptors at your health center 343
4. Provide the number of health center personnel (nonpreceptors) supporting ongoing health center training programs 140
Line Measures Number of Health Centers % of Total
5. How often does your health center conduct satisfaction surveys to providers (as identified in the UDS Manual, Appendix A, Listing of Personnel) working for the health center? Report provider surveys only here. (Select one.)
a. Monthly 0 0.00%
b. Quarterly 2 12.50%
c. Annually 5 31.25%
d. We DO NOT currently conduct provider satisfaction surveys 4 25.00%
e. Other 5 31.25%
6. How often does your health center conduct satisfaction surveys for general personnel (as identified in the UDS Manual, Appendix A, Listing of Personnel) working for the health center (report provider surveys in question 5 only)? (Select one.)
a. Monthly 0 0.00%
b. Quarterly 0 0.00%
c. Annually 10 62.50%
d. We DO NOT currently conduct personnel satisfaction surveys 1 6.25%
e. Other 5 31.25%


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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