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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 7: Health Outcomes and Disparities

National Data


1,370 Awardees

Section A: Deliveries and Birth Weight

Line Description Patients (a)
0. HIV-Positive Pregnant Patients 972
2. Deliveries Performed by Health Center’s Providers 171,037
Line Race and Ethnicity Prenatal Care Patients Who Delivered During the Year(1a) Live Births: < 1500 grams(1b) Live Births: 1500-2499 grams(1c) Live Births: >= 2500 grams(1d) % Low and Very Low Birth Weight
Hispanic or Latino/a
1a. Asian 293 0 16 256 5.88%
1b1. Native Hawaiian - - - - 4.00%
1b2. Other Pacific Islander - - - - 8.71%
1c. Black/African American 3,753 63 317 3,337 10.22%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native 2,706 18 171 2,360 7.41%
1e. White 106,955 1,069 6,360 96,713 7.13%
1f. More than One Race 8,263 93 541 7,639 7.66%
1g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 41,947 388 2,337 36,958 6.87%
Subtotal Hispanic or Latino/a 164,869 1,642 9,801 148,118 7.17%
Non-Hispanic or Latino/a
2a. Asian 9,372 82 695 8,186 8.67%
2b1. Native Hawaiian - - - - 9.17%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander 3,098 40 212 2,770 8.34%
2c. Black/African American 46,597 1,094 4,800 38,890 13.16%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native 2,401 36 149 1,900 8.87%
2e. White 58,879 628 3,857 52,321 7.90%
2f. More than One Race 3,158 55 228 2,791 9.21%
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 5,365 79 447 4,996 9.53%
Subtotal Non 129,510 2,026 10,432 112,409 9.98%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity 10,474 298 1,333 16,833 8.83%
i. Total 304,853 3,966 21,566 277,360 8.43%

Section B: Controlling High Blood Pressure

Line Race and Ethnicity Total Patients 18 through 84 Years of Age with Hypertension (2a) Number of Records Reviewed (2b) Patients with Hypertension Controlled (2c) Estimated % Patients with Controlled Blood Pressure
Hispanic or Latino/a
1a. Asian 3,309 3,302 2,120 64.21%
1b1. Native Hawaiian 1,339 1,336 817 61.18%
1b2. Other Pacific Islander 6,406 6,401 4,059 63.42%
1c. Black/African American 45,228 45,144 28,160 62.38%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native 16,627 16,584 10,596 63.90%
1e. White 938,969 930,352 605,789 65.14%
1f. More than One Race 49,803 49,678 32,499 65.45%
1g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 365,274 364,767 236,396 64.82%
Subtotal Hispanic or Latino/a 1,426,955 1,417,564 920,436 64.96%
Non-Hispanic or Latino/a
2a. Asian 189,509 189,176 124,245 65.69%
2b1. Native Hawaiian 7,563 7,554 4,327 57.29%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander 18,764 17,625 9,539 54.05%
2c. Black/African American 1,153,264 1,151,294 654,405 56.85%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native 39,295 39,231 23,691 60.41%
2e. White 2,069,686 2,058,728 1,365,404 66.36%
2f. More than One Race 35,299 35,235 21,297 60.45%
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 81,401 81,030 49,181 60.79%
Subtotal Non 3,594,781 3,579,873 2,252,089 62.94%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity 108,178 106,897 62,010 58.14%
i. Total 5,129,914 5,104,334 3,234,535 63.40%

Section C: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control

Line Race and Ethnicity Total Patients 18 through 74 Years of Age with Diabetes (3a) Number of Records Reviewed (3b) Patients with HbA1c > 9% or No Test During Year (3f) Estimated % Patients with HbA1c > 9%
Hispanic or Latino/a
1a. Asian 2,243 2,241 665 29.67%
1b1. Native Hawaiian 1,045 1,039 395 37.96%
1b2. Other Pacific Islander 4,586 4,585 1,413 30.82%
1c. Black/African American 24,152 24,127 7,771 32.20%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native 14,323 14,297 4,939 34.57%
1e. White 715,045 712,039 232,729 32.65%
1f. More than One Race 34,854 34,811 11,643 33.46%
1g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 290,665 290,421 94,148 32.42%
Subtotal Hispanic or Latino/a 1,086,913 1,083,560 353,703 32.62%
Non-Hispanic or Latino/a
2a. Asian 108,335 108,246 21,870 20.21%
2b1. Native Hawaiian 5,337 5,326 2,003 37.61%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander 16,023 15,223 6,351 41.92%
2c. Black/African American 531,961 531,700 167,843 31.57%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native 24,049 23,971 8,433 35.17%
2e. White 879,105 875,843 240,342 27.41%
2f. More than One Race 18,935 18,913 6,217 32.88%
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 47,134 47,002 14,629 31.13%
Subtotal Non 1,630,879 1,626,224 467,688 28.75%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity 71,202 70,798 24,786 34.96%
i. Total 2,788,994 2,780,582 846,177 30.42%


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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