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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 7: Health Outcomes and Disparities

National Data


1,385 Awardees

Section A: Deliveries and Birth Weight

Line Description Total (i)
0. HIV-Positive Pregnant Women 1,076
2. Deliveries Performed by Health Center’s Providers 175,254
Line Race and Ethnicity Prenatal Care Patients Who Delivered During the Year(1a) Live Births: < 1500 grams(1b) Live Births: 1500-2499 grams(1c) Live Births: >= 2500 grams(1d) % Low and Very Low Birth Weight
1a. Asian - - - - 8.36%
1b1. Native Hawaiian - - - - 14.01%
1b2. Other Pacific Islander - - - - 5.92%
1c. Black/African American 3,907 57 298 3,529 9.14%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - - 6.54%
1e. White 107,214 1,058 5,858 97,496 6.62%
1f. More than One Race 7,172 71 396 6,366 6.83%
1g. Unreported/Refused to Report Race 35,876 363 1,984 32,421 6.75%
Subtotal Hispanic/Latino 157,170 1,579 8,700 142,421 6.73%
2a. Asian 11,344 108 727 10,242 7.54%
2b1. Native Hawaiian - - - - 9.86%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander 3,527 58 225 3,191 8.15%
2c. Black/African American 53,905 1,169 5,220 46,223 12.14%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native 2,456 29 122 2,228 6.35%
2e. White 66,436 725 4,223 58,877 7.75%
2f. More than One Race 3,034 47 259 2,809 9.82%
2g. Unreported/Refused to Report Race 5,633 65 421 5,649 7.92%
Subtotal Non 146,917 2,211 11,245 129,749 9.40%
Unreported/Refused to Report Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Refused to Report Race and Ethnicity 8,869 233 1,043 13,589 8.58%
i. Total 312,956 4,023 20,988 285,759 8.05%

Section B: Controlling High Blood Pressure

Line Race and Ethnicity Total Patients 18 through 85 Years of Age with Hypertension (2a) Number Charts Sampled or EHR Total (2b) Patients with Hypertension Controlled (2c) Estimated % Patients with Controlled Blood Pressure
1a. Asian 2,878 2,813 1,875 66.65%
1b1. Native Hawaiian 1,103 1,082 683 63.16%
1b2. Other Pacific Islander 6,288 6,274 4,031 64.27%
1c. Black/African American 35,601 35,317 22,457 63.75%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native 11,419 11,165 7,167 64.94%
1e. White 842,601 832,374 560,127 67.42%
1f. More than One Race 50,332 49,656 33,407 67.45%
1g. Unreported/Refused to Report Race 325,270 317,642 210,672 66.58%
Subtotal Hispanic/Latino 1,275,492 1,256,323 840,419 67.08%
2a. Asian 175,530 166,091 117,790 69.85%
2b1. Native Hawaiian 7,173 7,144 4,308 60.31%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander 19,644 15,927 9,892 59.82%
2c. Black/African American 1,137,275 1,114,662 632,374 57.00%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native 39,224 39,017 22,891 58.61%
2e. White 1,967,737 1,935,308 1,301,530 67.33%
2f. More than One Race 31,351 31,015 19,488 62.94%
2g. Unreported/Refused to Report Race 67,967 66,025 41,649 62.83%
Subtotal Non 3,445,901 3,375,189 2,149,922 63.75%
Unreported/Refused to Report Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Refused to Report Race and Ethnicity 99,295 92,361 56,786 63.09%
i. Total 4,820,688 4,723,873 3,047,127 64.62%

Section C: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control

Line Race and Ethnicity Total Patients 18 through 75 Years of Age with Diabetes (3a) Number Charts Sampled or EHR Total (3b) Patients with HbA1c > 9% or No Test During Year (3f) Estimated % Patients with HbA1c > 9%
1a. Asian 1,791 1,775 534 30.08%
1b1. Native Hawaiian 797 775 309 39.87%
1b2. Other Pacific Islander 4,523 4,491 1,402 31.20%
1c. Black/African American 19,459 18,558 5,924 31.87%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native 8,762 8,206 2,974 34.60%
1e. White 618,743 603,777 205,968 34.06%
1f. More than One Race 34,017 31,817 10,970 34.57%
1g. Unreported/Refused to Report Race 244,571 238,989 82,910 34.40%
Subtotal Hispanic/Latino 932,663 908,388 310,991 34.11%
2a. Asian 97,946 96,660 19,785 20.32%
2b1. Native Hawaiian 4,676 4,658 1,721 36.98%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander 17,190 13,557 5,507 43.53%
2c. Black/African American 509,231 498,321 168,494 33.73%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native 22,813 22,647 8,550 37.70%
2e. White 821,686 807,683 236,401 29.18%
2f. More than One Race 16,419 16,123 5,431 33.57%
2g. Unreported/Refused to Report Race 39,124 37,996 12,568 34.13%
Subtotal Non 1,529,085 1,497,645 458,457 30.58%
Unreported/Refused to Report Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Refused to Report Race and Ethnicity 59,908 55,406 20,016 33.68%
i. Total 2,521,656 2,461,439 789,464 31.95%


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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