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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 5: Staffing and Utilization

National Data


1,375 Awardees

Line Personnel by Major Service Category FTEs (a) Clinic Visits (b) Virtual Visits (b2) Patients (c)
1. Family Physicians 6,610.22 13,021,546 4,889,033
2. General Practitioners 514.88 1,033,784 356,063
3. Internists 2,124.73 3,856,648 1,967,215
4. Obstetrician/Gynecologists 1,317.27 3,101,391 333,897
5. Pediatricians 3,125.06 6,812,398 1,550,031
7. Other Specialty Physicians 625.11 1,618,443 247,666
8. Total Physicians (Lines 1–7) 14,317.27 29,444,210 9,343,905
9a. Nurse Practitioners 11,086.06 20,016,302 6,331,750
9b. Physician Assistants 3,478.74 7,043,033 2,351,907
10. Certified Nurse Midwives 704.57 1,231,939 191,736
10a. Total NPs, PAs, and CNMs (Lines 9a–10) 15,269.37 28,291,274 8,875,393
11. Nurses 19,784.31 2,036,948 252,717
12. Other Medical Personnel 34,980.43
13. Laboratory Personnel 2,644.46
14. X-ray Personnel 1,094.77
15. Total Medical Care Services (Lines 8 + 10a through 14) 88,090.61 59,772,432 18,472,015 24,529,374
16. Dentists 4,872.92 9,137,254 258,974
17. Dental Hygienists 2,485.49 1,898,071 15,319
17a. Dental Therapists 30.44 17,362 1,114
18. Other Dental Personnel 10,193.86
19. Total Dental Services (Lines 16–18) 17,582.71 11,052,687 275,407 5,155,619
20a. Psychiatrists 913.22 829,947 1,183,622
20a1. Licensed Clinical Psychologists 972.15 505,717 578,539
20a2. Licensed Clinical Social Workers 4,944.73 2,290,125 2,418,275
20b. Other Licensed Mental Health Providers 4,495.65 2,269,073 2,501,552
20c. Other Mental Health Staff 3,160.20 901,128 607,351
20. Total Mental Health Services (Lines 20a-c) 14,485.95 6,795,990 7,289,339 2,512,287
21. Substance Use Disorder Services 2,325.29 1,129,549 557,799 294,645
22. Other Professional Services 1,871.98 1,923,242 399,095 745,376
22a. Ophthalmologists 38.03 62,286 2,942
22b. Optometrists 362.10 701,885 21,719
22c. Other Vision Care Staff 526.55
22d. Total Vision Services (Lines 22a–c) 926.68 764,171 24,661 612,163
23. Pharmacy Personnel 6,438.55
24. Case Managers 10,414.18 3,264,046 1,177,572
25. Patient and Community Education Specialists 2,430.80 976,421 334,720
26. Outreach Workers 2,547.63
27. Transportation Staff 820.71
27a. Eligibility Assistance Workers 4,267.19
27b. Interpretation Staff 1,193.86
27c. Community Health Workers 1,608.62
28. Other Enabling Services 590.11
29. Total Enabling Services (Lines 24–28) 23,873.10 4,240,467 1,512,292 2,085,916
29a. Other Programs and Services 6,134.63
29b. Quality Improvement Staff 3,488.49
30a. Management and Support Staff 24,871.82
30b. Fiscal and Billing Staff 13,860.70
30c. IT Staff 4,473.58
31. Facility Staff 6,274.99
32. Patient Support Staff 40,312.60
33. Total Facility and Non-Clinical Support Staff (Lines 30a–32) 89,793.69
34. Grand Total (Lines 15+19+20+21+22+22d+23+29+29a+29b+33) 255,011.68 85,678,538 28,530,608
Line Personnel by Major Service Category FTEs Clinic Visits Virtual Visits
% Group % Total % Group % Total % Group % Total
1. Family Physicians 7.50% 2.59% 21.79% 15.20% 26.47% 17.14%
2. General Practitioners 0.58% 0.20% 1.73% 1.21% 1.93% 1.25%
3. Internists 2.41% 0.83% 6.45% 4.50% 10.65% 6.90%
4. Obstetrician/Gynecologists 1.50% 0.52% 5.19% 3.62% 1.81% 1.17%
5. Pediatricians 3.55% 1.23% 11.40% 7.95% 8.39% 5.43%
7. Other Specialty Physicians 0.71% 0.25% 2.71% 1.89% 1.34% 0.87%
8. Total Physicians (Lines 1–7) 16.25% 5.61% 49.26% 34.37% 50.58% 32.75%
9a. Nurse Practitioners 12.58% 4.35% 33.49% 23.36% 34.28% 22.19%
9b. Physician Assistants 3.95% 1.36% 11.78% 8.22% 12.73% 8.24%
10. Certified Nurse Midwives 0.80% 0.28% 2.06% 1.44% 1.04% 0.67%
10a. Total NPs, PAs, and CNMs (Lines 9a–10) 17.33% 5.99% 47.33% 33.02% 48.05% 31.11%
11. Nurses 22.46% 7.76% 3.41% 2.38% 1.37% 0.89%
12. Other Medical Personnel 39.71% 13.72%
13. Laboratory Personnel 3.00% 1.04%
14. X-ray Personnel 1.24% 0.43%
15. Total Medical Care Services (Lines 8 + 10a through 14) 100.00% 34.54% 100.00% 69.76% 100.00% 64.74%
16. Dentists 27.71% 1.91% 82.67% 10.66% 94.03% 0.91%
17. Dental Hygienists 14.14% 0.97% 17.17% 2.22% 5.56% 0.05%
17a. Dental Therapists 0.17% 0.01% 0.16% 0.02% 0.40% 0.00%
18. Other Dental Personnel 57.98% 4.00%
19. Total Dental Services (Lines 16–18) 100.00% 6.89% 100.00% 12.90% 100.00% 0.97%
20a. Psychiatrists 6.30% 0.36% 12.21% 0.97% 16.24% 4.15%
20a1. Licensed Clinical Psychologists 6.71% 0.38% 7.44% 0.59% 7.94% 2.03%
20a2. Licensed Clinical Social Workers 34.13% 1.94% 33.70% 2.67% 33.18% 8.48%
20b. Other Licensed Mental Health Providers 31.03% 1.76% 33.39% 2.65% 34.32% 8.77%
20c. Other Mental Health Staff 21.82% 1.24% 13.26% 1.05% 8.33% 2.13%
20. Total Mental Health Services (Lines 20a-c) 100.00% 5.68% 100.00% 7.93% 100.00% 25.55%
21. Substance Use Disorder Services 100.00% 0.91% 100.00% 1.32% 100.00% 1.96%
22. Other Professional Services 100.00% 0.73% 100.00% 2.24% 100.00% 1.40%
22a. Ophthalmologists 4.10% 0.01% 8.15% 0.07% 11.93% 0.01%
22b. Optometrists 39.07% 0.14% 91.85% 0.82% 88.07% 0.08%
22c. Other Vision Care Staff 56.82% 0.21%
22d. Total Vision Services (Lines 22a–c) 100.00% 0.36% 100.00% 0.89% 100.00% 0.09%
23. Pharmacy Personnel 100.00% 2.52%
24. Case Managers 43.62% 4.08% 76.97% 3.81% 77.87% 4.13%
25. Patient and Community Education Specialists 10.18% 0.95% 23.03% 1.14% 22.13% 1.17%
26. Outreach Workers 10.67% 1.00%
27. Transportation Staff 3.44% 0.32%
27a. Eligibility Assistance Workers 17.87% 1.67%
27b. Interpretation Staff 5.00% 0.47%
27c. Community Health Workers 6.74% 0.63%
28. Other Enabling Services 2.47% 0.23%
29. Total Enabling Services (Lines 24–28) 100.00% 9.36% 100.00% 4.95% 100.00% 5.30%
29a. Other Programs and Services 100.00% 2.41%
29b. Quality Improvement Staff 100.00% 1.37%
30a. Management and Support Staff 9.75%
30b. Fiscal and Billing Staff 5.44%
30c. IT Staff 1.75%
31. Facility Staff 2.46%
32. Patient Support Staff 15.81%
33. Total Facility and Non-Clinical Support Staff (Lines 30a–32) 100.00% 35.21%
34. Grand Total (Lines 15+19+20+21+22+22d+23+29+29a+29b+33) 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%


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