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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 8A: Financial Costs

National Look-Alikes Data

133 Look-Alikes

Line Cost Center Accrued Cost (a)
Allocation of Facility and Non-Clinical Support Services (b)
Total Cost After Allocation of Facility and Non-Clinical Support Services (c)
Financial Costs of Medical Care
1. Medical Personnel $420,180,245 $245,696,468 $665,876,713
2. Lab and X-ray $12,516,177 $8,152,711 $20,668,888
3. Medical/Other Direct $106,820,954 $53,909,374 $160,730,328
4. Total Medical Care Services (Sum of Lines 1 through 3) $539,517,376 $307,758,553 $847,275,929
Financial Costs of Other Clinical Services
5. Dental $49,702,280 $28,187,434 $77,889,714
6. Mental Health $107,734,792 $54,372,392 $162,107,184
7. Substance Use Disorder $9,419,351 $5,488,772 $14,908,123
8a. Pharmacy (not including pharmaceuticals) $95,752,857 $30,107,443 $125,860,300
8b. Pharmaceuticals $383,679,653 $383,679,653
9. Other Professional $5,821,405 $2,993,344 $8,814,749
9a. Vision $3,911,000 $1,998,443 $5,909,443
10. Total Other Clinical Services (Sum of Lines 5 through 9a) $656,021,338 $123,147,828 $779,169,166
Financial Costs of Enabling and Other Services
11a. Case Management $41,914,926 $41,914,926
11b. Transportation $3,396,745 $3,396,745
11c. Outreach $10,305,619 $10,305,619
11d. Health Education $4,083,959 $4,083,959
11e. Eligibility Assistance $8,699,893 $8,699,893
11f. Interpretation Services $4,149,789 $4,149,789
11g. Other Enabling Services $3,312,184 $3,312,184
11h. Community Health Workers $7,622,606 $7,622,606
11. Total Enabling Services (Sum of Lines 11a through 11h) $83,485,721 $48,387,664 $131,873,385
12. Other Program-Related Services $11,701,867 $3,442,758 $15,144,625
12a. Quality Improvement $14,635,447 $8,970,565 $23,606,012
13. Total Enabling and Other Services (Sum of Lines 11, 12, and 12a) $109,823,035 $60,800,987 $170,624,022
Facility and Non-Clinical Support Services and Totals
14. Facility $106,481,574
15. Non-Clinical Support Services $385,225,794
16. Total Facility and Non-Clinical Support Services (Sum of Lines 14 and 15) $491,707,368
17. Total Accrued Costs (Sum of Lines 4 + 10 + 13 + 16) $1,797,069,117 $1,797,069,117
18. Value of Donated Facilities, Services, and Supplies $24,079,900
19. Total with Donations (Sum of Lines 17 and 18) $1,821,149,017


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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