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Request Token for Batch Processing

Request Token for Shortage Area Batch Process Access:

Please complete the form below. All fields are required.

*For security reasons, please complete the captcha box above.

After successful submission of this form, you should receive an email that includes a link to confirm and activate your access token. This User Guide contains instructions for the use of the Shortage Area Batch processing services.

Shortage Area Batch Process Token Limits and Working Agreement

Default Token Limits

  • The token batch processing limit is set to 200 records by default.
  • The daily processing limit is 1000 records.

Token Working Agreement

  • The HDW will notify users of planned or pending changes to those services that may affect applications.
  • The HDW will notify users of planned server outages.
  • The HDW will notify users of new services as they become available.
  • The HDW asks that users notify HDW of any contact information changes. Users can do this by emailing
  • The HDW may periodically request registered users to verify contact information.