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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 9D: Patient Related Revenue

New York Data

63 Awardees

Line Payer Category Charges Collections
Full Charges This Period (a)
% of Payer % of Total Amount Collected This Period (b)
% of Payer % of Total % of Charges
1. Medicaid Non-Managed Care $393,699,365 14.67% 8.23% $349,515,844 20.26% 14.03% 88.78%
2a. Medicaid Managed Care (capitated) $468,072,057 17.45% 9.78% $334,284,536 19.38% 13.42% 71.42%
2b. Medicaid Managed Care (fee-for-service) $1,821,036,986 67.88% 38.05% $1,041,294,677 60.36% 41.81% 57.18%
3. Total Medicaid (Sum of Lines 1 + 2a + 2b) $2,682,808,408 100.00% 56.06% $1,725,095,057 100.00% 69.27% 64.30%
4. Medicare Non-Managed Care $342,305,682 43.36% 7.15% $185,319,478 53.86% 7.44% 54.14%
5a. Medicare Managed Care (capitated) $17,565,310 2.23% 0.37% $7,240,812 2.10% 0.29% 41.22%
5b. Medicare Managed Care (fee-for-service) $429,512,820 54.41% 8.98% $151,538,418 44.04% 6.08% 35.28%
6. Total Medicare (Sum of Lines 4 + 5a + 5b) $789,383,812 100.00% 16.50% $344,098,708 100.00% 13.82% 43.59%
7. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Non-Managed Care $13,732,045 21.20% 0.29% $9,732,764 27.14% 0.39% 70.88%
8a. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Managed Care (capitated) $21,396,204 33.03% 0.45% $11,710,583 32.65% 0.47% 54.73%
8b. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Managed Care (fee-for-service) $29,641,789 45.76% 0.62% $14,420,189 40.21% 0.58% 48.65%
9. Total Other Public (Sum of Lines 7 + 8a + 8b) $64,770,038 100.00% 1.35% $35,863,536 100.00% 1.44% 55.37%
10. Private Non-Managed Care $534,635,129 63.39% 11.17% $229,912,937 67.43% 9.23% 43.00%
11a. Private Managed Care (capitated) $38,752,899 4.59% 0.81% $8,798,133 2.58% 0.35% 22.70%
11b. Private Managed Care (fee-for-service) $270,061,510 32.02% 5.64% $102,242,134 29.99% 4.11% 37.86%
12. Total Private (Sum of Lines 10 + 11a + 11b) $843,449,538 100.00% 17.63% $340,953,204 100.00% 13.69% 40.42%
13. Self-Pay $404,955,052 100.00% 8.46% $44,486,131 100.00% 1.79% 10.99%
14. TOTAL (Sum of Lines 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 13) $4,785,366,848 100.00% $2,490,496,636 100.00% 52.04%
Line Payer Category Retroactive Settlements, Receipts, and Paybacks(c) Adjustments
Collection of Reconciliation
/Wraparound Current Year(c1)
Collection of Reconciliation
/Wraparound Previous Years(c2)
Collection of Other Payments: P4P, Risk Pools, etc.(c3)
Penalty/ Payback (c4)
Net Retros
Net Retros % of Charges Adjustments (d)
Adjustments % of Charges
1. Medicaid Non-Managed Care $44,975,110 $9,352,881 $2,714,752 $3,524,294 $53,518,449 13.59% $106,408,941 27.03%
2a. Medicaid Managed Care (capitated) $120,073,111 $24,179,482 $26,990,716 $0 $171,243,309 36.58% $129,036,143 27.57%
2b. Medicaid Managed Care (fee-for-service) $274,779,315 $56,962,988 $142,073,590 $224,906 $473,590,987 26.01% $738,677,096 40.56%
3. Total Medicaid (Sum of Lines 1 + 2a + 2b) $439,827,536 $90,495,351 $171,779,058 $3,749,200 $698,352,745 26.03% $974,122,180 36.31%
4. Medicare Non-Managed Care $7,086,898 $1,151,816 $4,190,912 $314 $12,429,312 3.63% $145,843,437 42.61%
5a. Medicare Managed Care (capitated) $760,949 $840,706 $251,626 $0 $1,853,281 10.55% $10,321,571 58.76%
5b. Medicare Managed Care (fee-for-service) $11,055,342 $2,928,043 $3,689,692 $0 $17,673,077 4.11% $244,214,595 56.86%
6. Total Medicare (Sum of Lines 4 + 5a + 5b) $18,903,189 $4,920,565 $8,132,230 $314 $31,955,670 4.05% $400,379,603 50.72%
7. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Non-Managed Care $1,806 $391 $0 $0 $2,197 0.02% $3,023,344 22.02%
8a. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Managed Care (capitated) $1,460,180 $3,328,400 $91,929 $0 $4,880,509 22.81% $9,789,919 45.76%
8b. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Managed Care (fee-for-service) $1,741,262 $1,259,407 $56,918 $0 $3,057,587 10.32% $15,429,951 52.05%
9. Total Other Public (Sum of Lines 7 + 8a + 8b) $3,203,248 $4,588,198 $148,847 $0 $7,940,293 12.26% $28,243,214 43.61%
10. Private Non-Managed Care $925,102 $11,717 $913,385 0.17% $270,644,465 50.62%
11a. Private Managed Care (capitated) $3,047,396 $0 $3,047,396 7.86% $30,193,404 77.91%
11b. Private Managed Care (fee-for-service) $2,843,887 $0 $2,843,887 1.05% $155,023,694 57.40%
12. Total Private (Sum of Lines 10 + 11a + 11b) $6,816,385 $11,717 $6,804,668 0.81% $455,861,563 54.05%
13. Self-Pay
14. TOTAL (Sum of Lines 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 13) $461,933,973 $100,004,114 $186,876,520 $3,761,231 $745,053,376 15.57% $1,858,606,560 38.84%
Line Sliding Fee Discounts (e)
Bad Debt Write-Off (f)
13. Self-Pay $298,508,704 $31,483,514


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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