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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 4: Selected Patient Characteristics

New York Data

63 Awardees

Income as Percent of Poverty Guideline Number of Patients
% of Total % of Known
1. 100% and below 1,083,956 46.64% 75.71%
2. 101–150% 124,612 5.36% 8.70%
3. 151–200% 79,487 3.42% 5.55%
4. Over 200% 143,611 6.18% 10.03%
5. Unknown 892,219 38.39%
6. TOTAL (Sum of Lines 1–5) 2,323,885 100.00%
Principal Third-Party Medical Insurance 0-17 years old
18 and older
Total %
7. None/Uninsured 53,776 232,396 286,172 12.31%
8a. Medicaid (Title XIX) 484,694 746,455 1,231,149 52.98%
8b. CHIP Medicaid 20,341 2,291 22,632 0.97%
8. Total Medicaid (Line 8a + 8b) 505,035 748,746 1,253,781 53.95%
9a. Dually Eligible (Medicare and Medicaid) 492 131,367 131,859 5.67%
9. Medicare (Inclusive of dually eligible and other Title XVIII beneficiaries) 1,331 276,398 277,729 11.95%
10a. Other Public Insurance (Non-CHIP) - - 809 0.03%
10b. Other Public Insurance CHIP - - 47,917 2.06%
10. Total Public Insurance (Line 10a + 10b) 42,987 5,739 48,726 2.10%
11. Private Insurance 79,426 378,051 457,477 19.69%
12. TOTAL (Sum of Lines 7 + 8 + 9 +10 +11) 682,555 1,641,330 2,323,885 100.00%
Managed Care Utilization Medicaid
Other Public Including Non-Medicaid CHIP
13a. Capitated Member Months 5,516,362 172,276 204,722 223,571 6,116,931
13b. Fee-for-service Member Months 4,221,958 1,030,275 235,838 845,551 6,333,622
13c. Total Member Months (Sum of Lines 13a + 13b) 9,738,320 1,202,551 440,560 1,069,122 12,450,553
Special Populations Number of Patients
14. Migratory (330g awardees only) 15,911 50.22%
15. Seasonal (330g awardees only) 6,964 21.98%
Migrant/seasonal (non-330g awardees) 8,808 27.80%
16. Total Agricultural Workers or Their Family Members (All health centers report this line) 31,683 100.00%
17. Homeless Shelter (330h awardees only) 50,193 48.66%
18. Transitional (330h awardees only) 8,103 7.86%
19. Doubling Up (330h awardees only) 9,067 8.79%
20. Street (330h awardees only) 927 0.90%
21a. Permanent Supportive Housing (330h awardees only) 2,955 2.86%
21. Other (330h awardees only) 5,177 5.02%
22. Unknown (330h awardees only) 6,810 6.60%
Homeless (non-330h awardees) 19,913 19.31%
23. Total Homeless (All health centers report this line) 103,145 100.00%
24. Total School-Based Service Site Patients (All health centers report this line) 82,029
25. Total Veterans (All health centers report this line) 21,672
26. Total Patients Served at a Health Center Located In or Immediately Accessible to a Public Housing Site (All health centers report this line) 701,371


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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