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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 9D: Patient Related Revenue

New Jersey Data

23 Awardees

Line Payer Category Charges Collections
Full Charges This Period (a)
% of Payer % of Total Amount Collected This Period (b)
% of Payer % of Total % of Charges
1. Medicaid Non-Managed Care $86,842,498 24.08% 14.47% $48,038,036 20.22% 15.90% 55.32%
2a. Medicaid Managed Care (capitated) $98,349,204 27.27% 16.39% $59,760,104 25.16% 19.78% 60.76%
2b. Medicaid Managed Care (fee-for-service) $175,451,350 48.65% 29.23% $129,758,529 54.62% 42.95% 73.96%
3. Total Medicaid (Sum of Lines 1 + 2a + 2b) $360,643,052 100.00% 60.09% $237,556,669 100.00% 78.63% 65.87%
4. Medicare Non-Managed Care $22,869,256 74.28% 3.81% $9,168,573 72.87% 3.03% 40.09%
5a. Medicare Managed Care (capitated) $81,451 0.26% 0.01% $35,507 0.28% 0.01% 43.59%
5b. Medicare Managed Care (fee-for-service) $7,838,092 25.46% 1.31% $3,378,851 26.85% 1.12% 43.11%
6. Total Medicare (Sum of Lines 4 + 5a + 5b) $30,788,799 100.00% 5.13% $12,582,931 100.00% 4.16% 40.87%
7. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Non-Managed Care $5,637,646 100.00% 0.94% $4,532,544 100.00% 1.50% 80.40%
8a. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Managed Care (capitated) $0 0.00% 0.00% $0 0.00% 0.00%
8b. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Managed Care (fee-for-service) $0 0.00% 0.00% $0 0.00% 0.00%
9. Total Other Public (Sum of Lines 7 + 8a + 8b) $5,637,646 100.00% 0.94% $4,532,544 100.00% 1.50% 80.40%
10. Private Non-Managed Care $55,781,187 94.09% 9.29% $19,350,892 92.71% 6.40% 34.69%
11a. Private Managed Care (capitated) $311,574 0.53% 0.05% $180,202 0.86% 0.06% 57.84%
11b. Private Managed Care (fee-for-service) $3,189,612 5.38% 0.53% $1,341,800 6.43% 0.44% 42.07%
12. Total Private (Sum of Lines 10 + 11a + 11b) $59,282,373 100.00% 9.88% $20,872,894 100.00% 6.91% 35.21%
13. Self-Pay $143,823,605 100.00% 23.96% $26,578,153 100.00% 8.80% 18.48%
14. TOTAL (Sum of Lines 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 13) $600,175,475 100.00% $302,123,191 100.00% 50.34%
Line Payer Category Retroactive Settlements, Receipts, and Paybacks(c) Adjustments
Collection of Reconciliation
/Wraparound Current Year(c1)
Collection of Reconciliation
/Wraparound Previous Years(c2)
Collection of Other Payments: P4P, Risk Pools, etc.(c3)
Penalty/ Payback (c4)
Net Retros
Net Retros % of Charges Adjustments (d)
Adjustments % of Charges
1. Medicaid Non-Managed Care $3,764,542 $1,475,962 $0 $1,064 $5,239,440 6.03% $36,834,751 42.42%
2a. Medicaid Managed Care (capitated) $22,519,726 $9,885,567 $0 $346,162 $32,059,131 32.60% $38,494,340 39.14%
2b. Medicaid Managed Care (fee-for-service) $54,668,710 $29,392,377 $195,246 $210,366 $84,045,967 47.90% $36,893,934 21.03%
3. Total Medicaid (Sum of Lines 1 + 2a + 2b) $80,952,978 $40,753,906 $195,246 $557,592 $121,344,538 33.65% $112,223,025 31.12%
4. Medicare Non-Managed Care $0 $85,055 $2,140 $0 $87,195 0.38% $11,406,929 49.88%
5a. Medicare Managed Care (capitated) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% $45,944 56.41%
5b. Medicare Managed Care (fee-for-service) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% $3,919,396 50.00%
6. Total Medicare (Sum of Lines 4 + 5a + 5b) $0 $85,055 $2,140 $0 $87,195 0.28% $15,372,269 49.93%
7. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Non-Managed Care $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% $600,890 10.66%
8a. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Managed Care (capitated) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
8b. Other Public, including Non-Medicaid CHIP, Managed Care (fee-for-service) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
9. Total Other Public (Sum of Lines 7 + 8a + 8b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% $600,890 10.66%
10. Private Non-Managed Care $0 $0 $0 0.00% $33,889,177 60.75%
11a. Private Managed Care (capitated) $0 $0 $0 0.00% $118,932 38.17%
11b. Private Managed Care (fee-for-service) $0 $0 $0 0.00% $1,585,449 49.71%
12. Total Private (Sum of Lines 10 + 11a + 11b) $0 $0 $0 0.00% $35,593,558 60.04%
13. Self-Pay
14. TOTAL (Sum of Lines 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 13) $80,952,978 $40,838,961 $197,386 $557,592 $121,431,733 20.23% $163,789,742 27.29%
Line Sliding Fee Discounts (e)
Bad Debt Write-Off (f)
13. Self-Pay $98,833,545 $8,563,843


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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