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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 7: Health Outcomes and Disparities

Illinois Data

45 Awardees

Section A: Deliveries and Birth Weight

Line Description Patients (a)
0. HIV-Positive Pregnant Patients 41
2. Deliveries Performed by Health Center’s Providers 11,915
Line Race and Ethnicity Prenatal Care Patients Who Delivered During the Year(1a) Live Births: < 1500 grams(1b) Live Births: 1500-2499 grams(1c) Live Births: >= 2500 grams(1d) % Low and Very Low Birth Weight
Hispanic or Latino/a
1a. Asian - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 9.52%
1b1. Native Hawaiian - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 0.00%
1b2. Other Pacific Islander - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 20.00%
1c. Black/African American - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 15.15%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 7.25%
1e. White - Hispanic or Latino/a 4,945 41 298 4,540 6.95%
1f. More than One Race - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 10.80%
1g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - Hispanic or Latino/a 3,184 22 195 2,679 7.49%
Subtotal Hispanic or Latino/a 8,637 68 541 7,644 7.38%
Non-Hispanic or Latino/a
2a. Asian - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 7.14%
2b1. Native Hawaiian - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 25.00%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 25.00%
2c. Black/African American - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 4,734 77 498 3,789 13.18%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 9.09%
2e. White - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 2,388 22 192 2,079 9.33%
2f. More than One Race - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 10.10%
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a - - - - 9.69%
Subtotal Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 8,077 114 757 6,710 11.49%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity 681 22 98 1,562 7.13%
i. Total 17,395 204 1,396 15,916 9.13%

Section B: Controlling High Blood Pressure

Line Race and Ethnicity Total Patients 18 through 84 Years of Age with Hypertension (2a) Number of Records Reviewed (2b) Patients with Hypertension Controlled (2c) Estimated % Patients with Controlled Blood Pressure
Hispanic or Latino/a
1a. Asian - Hispanic or Latino/a 130 130 90 69.23%
1b1. Native Hawaiian - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - -
1b2. Other Pacific Islander - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - -
1c. Black/African American - Hispanic or Latino/a 927 926 550 59.37%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native - Hispanic or Latino/a 947 942 704 74.59%
1e. White - Hispanic or Latino/a 34,545 34,446 23,811 69.09%
1f. More than One Race - Hispanic or Latino/a 1,258 1,258 854 67.89%
1g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - Hispanic or Latino/a 24,200 24,128 16,407 67.96%
Subtotal Hispanic or Latino/a 62,102 61,925 42,480 68.56%
Non-Hispanic or Latino/a
2a. Asian - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 5,492 5,492 3,705 67.46%
2b1. Native Hawaiian - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 43 43 25 58.14%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 95 95 62 65.26%
2c. Black/African American - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 74,286 74,078 40,780 55.02%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 434 434 271 62.44%
2e. White - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 62,055 62,034 42,433 68.40%
2f. More than One Race - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 904 904 542 59.96%
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 4,251 4,242 2,580 60.78%
Subtotal Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 147,560 147,322 90,398 61.33%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity 4,819 4,817 2,800 58.11%
i. Total 214,481 214,064 135,678 63.35%

Section C: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control

Line Race and Ethnicity Total Patients 18 through 74 Years of Age with Diabetes (3a) Number of Records Reviewed (3b) Patients with HbA1c > 9% or No Test During Year (3f) Estimated % Patients with HbA1c > 9%
Hispanic or Latino/a
1a. Asian - Hispanic or Latino/a 96 96 36 37.50%
1b1. Native Hawaiian - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - -
1b2. Other Pacific Islander - Hispanic or Latino/a - - - -
1c. Black/African American - Hispanic or Latino/a 497 497 166 33.40%
1d. American Indian/Alaska Native - Hispanic or Latino/a 1,133 1,129 394 34.93%
1e. White - Hispanic or Latino/a 33,172 33,129 10,584 31.97%
1f. More than One Race - Hispanic or Latino/a 1,080 1,080 345 31.94%
1g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - Hispanic or Latino/a 23,265 23,254 7,477 32.16%
Subtotal Hispanic or Latino/a 59,331 59,273 19,034 32.12%
Non-Hispanic or Latino/a
2a. Asian - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 4,160 4,160 876 21.06%
2b1. Native Hawaiian - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a - - - -
2b2. Other Pacific Islander - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a - - - -
2c. Black/African American - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 34,078 34,078 11,887 34.88%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 310 310 89 28.71%
2e. White - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 27,701 27,701 7,527 27.17%
2f. More than One Race - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 470 470 158 33.62%
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 2,567 2,567 775 30.19%
Subtotal Non-Hispanic or Latino/a 69,362 69,362 21,340 30.77%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity 3,072 3,072 1,125 36.62%
i. Total 131,765 131,707 41,499 31.51%


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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