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HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration

Table 7: Health Outcomes and Disparities

Hawaii Data


13 Awardees

Section A: Deliveries and Birth Weight

Line Description Patients (a)
0. HIV-Positive Pregnant Patients -
2. Deliveries Performed by Health Center’s Providers 391
Line Race and Ethnicity Prenatal Care Patients Who Delivered During the Year(1a) Live Births: < 1500 grams(1b) Live Births: 1500-2499 grams(1c) Live Births: >= 2500 grams(1d) % Low and Very Low Birth Weight
Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
1a1m. Asian Indian 0 0 0 0 -
1a2m. Chinese 0 0 0 0 -
1a3m. Filipino 0 0 0 0 -
1a4m. Japanese 0 0 0 0 -
1a5m. Korean 0 0 0 0 -
1a6m. Vietnamese 0 0 0 0 -
1a7m. Other Asian 0 0 0 0 -
1b1m. Native Hawaiian - - - - -
1b2m. Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 -
1b3m. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0 0 -
1b4m. Samoan 0 0 0 0 -
1cm. Black/African American 0 0 0 0 -
1dm. American Indian/Alaska Native 0 0 0 0 -
1em. White - - - - -
1fm. More than One Race 0 0 0 0 -
1gm. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - - - - -
Subtotal Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a - - - - -
Puerto Rican
1a1p. Asian Indian 0 0 0 0 -
1a2p. Chinese - - - - -
1a3p. Filipino - - - - -
1a4p. Japanese 0 0 0 0 -
1a5p. Korean 0 0 0 0 -
1a6p. Vietnamese 0 0 0 0 -
1a7p. Other Asian 0 0 0 0 -
1b1p. Native Hawaiian - - - - -
1b2p. Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 -
1b3p. Guamanian or Chamorro - - - - -
1b4p. Samoan - - - - -
1cp. Black/African American 0 0 0 0 -
1dp. American Indian/Alaska Native 0 0 0 0 -
1ep. White - - - - -
1fp. More than One Race - - - - -
1gp. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - - - - -
Subtotal Puerto Rican - - - - -
1a1c. Asian Indian 0 0 0 0 -
1a2c. Chinese 0 0 0 0 -
1a3c. Filipino 0 0 0 0 -
1a4c. Japanese 0 0 0 0 -
1a5c. Korean 0 0 0 0 -
1a6c. Vietnamese 0 0 0 0 -
1a7c. Other Asian 0 0 0 0 -
1b1c. Native Hawaiian 0 0 0 0 -
1b2c. Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 -
1b3c. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0 0 -
1b4c. Samoan 0 0 0 0 -
1cc. Black/African American 0 0 0 0 -
1dc. American Indian/Alaska Native 0 0 0 0 -
1ec. White 0 0 0 0 -
1fc. More than One Race 0 0 0 0 -
1gc. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 0 0 0 0 -
Subtotal Cuban 0 0 0 0 -
Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin
1a1a. Asian Indian 0 0 0 0 -
1a2a. Chinese 0 0 0 0 -
1a3a. Filipino - - - - -
1a4a. Japanese - - - - -
1a5a. Korean 0 0 0 0 -
1a6a. Vietnamese 0 0 0 0 -
1a7a. Other Asian 0 0 0 0 -
1b1a. Native Hawaiian - - - - -
1b2a. Other Pacific Islander - - - - -
1b3a. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0 0 -
1b4a. Samoan 0 0 0 0 -
1ca. Black/African American - - - - -
1da. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - - -
1ea. White - - - - -
1fa. More than One Race - - - - -
1ga. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 25 0 0 24 0.00%
Subtotal Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin - - - - -
Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Combined
1a1o. Asian Indian 0 0 0 0 -
1a2o. Chinese - - - - -
1a3o. Filipino - - - - -
1a4o. Japanese 0 0 0 0 -
1a5o. Korean 0 0 0 0 -
1a6o. Vietnamese 0 0 0 0 -
1a7o. Other Asian 0 0 0 0 -
1b1o. Native Hawaiian - - - - -
1b2o. Other Pacific Islander - - - - -
1b3o. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0 0 -
1b4o. Samoan - - - - -
1co. Black/African American 0 0 0 0 -
1do. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - - -
1eo. White - - - - -
1fo. More than One Race - - - - -
1go. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - - - - -
Subtotal Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Combined - - - - -
Total Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin - - - - -
Not Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin
2a1. Asian Indian - - - - -
2a2. Chinese - - - - -
2a3. Filipino - - - - -
2a4. Japanese - - - - -
2a5. Korean - - - - -
2a6. Vietnamese - - - - -
2a7. Other Asian - - - - -
2b1. Native Hawaiian - - - - -
2b2. Other Pacific Islander - - - - -
2b3. Guamanian or Chamorro - - - - -
2b4. Samoan - - - - -
2c. Black/African American - - - - -
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - - -
2e. White - - - - -
2f. More than One Race - - - - -
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - - - - -
Total Not Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin 1,549 23 111 1,316 9.24%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity - - - - -
Total 1,814 28 151 1,653 9.77%

Section B: Controlling High Blood Pressure

Line Race and Ethnicity Total Patients 18 through 84 Years of Age with Hypertension (2a) Number of Records Reviewed (2b) Patients with Hypertension Controlled (2c) Estimated % Patients with Controlled Blood Pressure
Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
1a1m. Asian Indian 0 0 0
1a2m. Chinese 0 0 0
1a3m. Filipino 0 0 0
1a4m. Japanese 0 0 0
1a5m. Korean 0 0 0
1a6m. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7m. Other Asian - - - -
1b1m. Native Hawaiian - - - -
1b2m. Other Pacific Islander - - - -
1b3m. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4m. Samoan 0 0 0
1cm. Black/African American 0 0 0
1dm. American Indian/Alaska Native 0 0 0
1em. White - - - -
1fm. More than One Race 0 0 0
1gm. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - - - -
Subtotal Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a - - - -
Puerto Rican
1a1p. Asian Indian 0 0 0
1a2p. Chinese 0 0 0
1a3p. Filipino - - - -
1a4p. Japanese 0 0 0
1a5p. Korean 0 0 0
1a6p. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7p. Other Asian - - - -
1b1p. Native Hawaiian - - - -
1b2p. Other Pacific Islander - - - -
1b3p. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4p. Samoan 0 0 0
1cp. Black/African American - - - -
1dp. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - -
1ep. White - - - -
1fp. More than One Race - - - -
1gp. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 66 66 38 57.58%
Subtotal Puerto Rican 115 115 65 56.52%
1a1c. Asian Indian 0 0 0
1a2c. Chinese 0 0 0
1a3c. Filipino 0 0 0
1a4c. Japanese 0 0 0
1a5c. Korean 0 0 0
1a6c. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7c. Other Asian 0 0 0
1b1c. Native Hawaiian 0 0 0
1b2c. Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0
1b3c. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4c. Samoan 0 0 0
1cc. Black/African American 0 0 0
1dc. American Indian/Alaska Native 0 0 0
1ec. White 0 0 0
1fc. More than One Race 0 0 0
1gc. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - - - -
Subtotal Cuban - - - -
Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin
1a1a. Asian Indian 0 0 0
1a2a. Chinese 0 0 0
1a3a. Filipino - - - -
1a4a. Japanese - - - -
1a5a. Korean - - - -
1a6a. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7a. Other Asian 32 32 18 56.25%
1b1a. Native Hawaiian 76 76 47 61.84%
1b2a. Other Pacific Islander 30 30 18 60.00%
1b3a. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4a. Samoan - - - -
1ca. Black/African American - - - -
1da. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - -
1ea. White 113 113 79 69.91%
1fa. More than One Race 62 62 38 61.29%
1ga. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 142 142 91 64.08%
Subtotal Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin 493 493 318 64.50%
Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Combined
1a1o. Asian Indian - - - -
1a2o. Chinese - - - -
1a3o. Filipino 112 112 63 56.25%
1a4o. Japanese - - - -
1a5o. Korean - - - -
1a6o. Vietnamese - - - -
1a7o. Other Asian 55 55 29 52.73%
1b1o. Native Hawaiian 307 307 165 53.75%
1b2o. Other Pacific Islander - - - -
1b3o. Guamanian or Chamorro - - - -
1b4o. Samoan - - - -
1co. Black/African American - - - -
1do. American Indian/Alaska Native 34 34 20 58.82%
1eo. White 186 186 117 62.90%
1fo. More than One Race 119 119 64 53.78%
1go. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 114 114 68 59.65%
Subtotal Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Combined 998 998 567 56.81%
Total Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin 1,635 1,635 966 59.08%
Not Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin
2a1. Asian Indian - - - -
2a2. Chinese 565 565 407 72.04%
2a3. Filipino 1,993 1,993 1,230 61.72%
2a4. Japanese 445 445 282 63.37%
2a5. Korean 156 156 86 55.13%
2a6. Vietnamese 384 384 272 70.83%
2a7. Other Asian 2,528 2,528 1,590 62.90%
2b1. Native Hawaiian 4,749 4,749 2,764 58.20%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander 2,041 2,041 1,194 58.50%
2b3. Guamanian or Chamorro - - - -
2b4. Samoan 784 784 453 57.78%
2c. Black/African American 337 337 161 47.77%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native 136 136 83 61.03%
2e. White 5,088 5,088 3,154 61.99%
2f. More than One Race 1,752 1,752 1,016 57.99%
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 573 573 349 60.91%
Total Not Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin 21,546 21,546 13,048 60.56%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity 706 706 460 65.16%
Total 23,887 23,887 14,474 60.59%

Section C: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control

Line Race and Ethnicity Total Patients 18 through 74 Years of Age with Diabetes (3a) Number of Records Reviewed (3b) Patients with HbA1c > 9% or No Test During Year (3f) Estimated % Patients with HbA1c > 9%
Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
1a1m. Asian Indian 0 0 0
1a2m. Chinese 0 0 0
1a3m. Filipino 0 0 0
1a4m. Japanese 0 0 0
1a5m. Korean 0 0 0
1a6m. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7m. Other Asian 0 0 0
1b1m. Native Hawaiian - - - -
1b2m. Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0
1b3m. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4m. Samoan 0 0 0
1cm. Black/African American 0 0 0
1dm. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - -
1em. White - - - -
1fm. More than One Race - - - -
1gm. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race - - - -
Subtotal Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a - - - -
Puerto Rican
1a1p. Asian Indian 0 0 0
1a2p. Chinese 0 0 0
1a3p. Filipino - - - -
1a4p. Japanese - - - -
1a5p. Korean 0 0 0
1a6p. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7p. Other Asian - - - -
1b1p. Native Hawaiian - - - -
1b2p. Other Pacific Islander - - - -
1b3p. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4p. Samoan 0 0 0
1cp. Black/African American 0 0 0
1dp. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - -
1ep. White - - - -
1fp. More than One Race - - - -
1gp. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 43 43 18 41.86%
Subtotal Puerto Rican 83 83 34 40.96%
1a1c. Asian Indian 0 0 0
1a2c. Chinese 0 0 0
1a3c. Filipino 0 0 0
1a4c. Japanese 0 0 0
1a5c. Korean 0 0 0
1a6c. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7c. Other Asian 0 0 0
1b1c. Native Hawaiian 0 0 0
1b2c. Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0
1b3c. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4c. Samoan 0 0 0
1cc. Black/African American 0 0 0
1dc. American Indian/Alaska Native 0 0 0
1ec. White 0 0 0
1fc. More than One Race 0 0 0
1gc. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 0 0 0
Subtotal Cuban 0 0 0
Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin
1a1a. Asian Indian 0 0 0
1a2a. Chinese 0 0 0
1a3a. Filipino - - - -
1a4a. Japanese - - - -
1a5a. Korean 0 0 0
1a6a. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7a. Other Asian - - - -
1b1a. Native Hawaiian 64 64 22 34.38%
1b2a. Other Pacific Islander - - - -
1b3a. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4a. Samoan - - - -
1ca. Black/African American - - - -
1da. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - -
1ea. White 52 52 17 32.69%
1fa. More than One Race - - - -
1ga. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 114 114 36 31.58%
Subtotal Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin 324 324 108 33.33%
Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Combined
1a1o. Asian Indian - - - -
1a2o. Chinese - - - -
1a3o. Filipino 66 66 21 31.82%
1a4o. Japanese - - - -
1a5o. Korean - - - -
1a6o. Vietnamese 0 0 0
1a7o. Other Asian - - - -
1b1o. Native Hawaiian 202 202 97 48.02%
1b2o. Other Pacific Islander - - - -
1b3o. Guamanian or Chamorro 0 0 0
1b4o. Samoan - - - -
1co. Black/African American - - - -
1do. American Indian/Alaska Native - - - -
1eo. White 101 101 38 37.62%
1fo. More than One Race 56 56 17 30.36%
1go. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 95 95 35 36.84%
Subtotal Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin Combined 638 638 264 41.38%
Total Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin 1,057 1,057 411 38.88%
Not Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin
2a1. Asian Indian - - - -
2a2. Chinese 295 275 48 23.05%
2a3. Filipino 1,084 1,084 282 26.01%
2a4. Japanese 263 263 63 23.95%
2a5. Korean 86 86 28 32.56%
2a6. Vietnamese 188 188 38 20.21%
2a7. Other Asian 1,215 1,215 300 24.69%
2b1. Native Hawaiian 3,162 3,162 1,137 35.96%
2b2. Other Pacific Islander 1,757 1,757 796 45.30%
2b3. Guamanian or Chamorro - - - -
2b4. Samoan 783 783 346 44.19%
2c. Black/African American 152 152 57 37.50%
2d. American Indian/Alaska Native 55 55 19 34.55%
2e. White 1,622 1,622 491 30.27%
2f. More than One Race 963 963 321 33.33%
2g. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race 776 776 332 42.78%
Total Not Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish Origin 12,417 12,397 4,263 34.39%
Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity
h. Unreported/Chose Not to Disclose Race and Ethnicity 410 410 137 33.41%
Total 13,884 13,864 4,811 34.70%


'-' Data cannot be calculated or has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes.

Cells that are shaded blue represent data that was not reported or null values.

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